Welcome to an experimental new feature on theO that showcases our favorite world posts from across the site.
Featured World Posts:
Hisaishi explores the psychopath trope with a ridiculously in-depth exposition.
Kami-chan.x3 wrote a sweet tutorial on how to make eCards.
Kailith has good taste in PS3 games.
People have some good ideas about theO: here and here.
Darkarax wrote a Pokemon fan fic with promise.
xianlee made great progress on a graphic design tool and uses theO's hat mascot for practice.
Karmira loves Labyrinth fan fiction (and David Bowie, too).
foxfireburn made an awesome animated CD cover image.
Dranzerstorm chronicles the top 25 best vehicles in anime.
WyvernWings is trying to get better at writing fiction, one book at a time.
byakuyarox1 has seen a lot of anime and wants to see more.
Kasbaag lists all the personality flaws someone can have.
How to be Featured:
We scan all incoming world posts using a secret sauce algorithm. If you write something you want us to pay extra attention to, tag it with the word "spotlight"
And if you think we missed an interesting world post this week, post it in the comments!