Quiz Results
Which Mew Mew Are You Most Like?
1000000 times infinity% true!
Are You A Tsundere Or A Yandere?
That is 9000% true and good!
So true!!
What Part Of The Military Would You Be In?
Boys in the survey corps, Don't flirt with me.
Which Attack On Titan Character Are You?
I got Mikasa... THAT IS AWESOME! She is my fave female charcter of the show! (I have no idea why my fave AOT characters are the Ackermans/ Mikasa and Levi
What Kind Of Japanese Fan Are You?
I am the obsessed with anime fan even though I am not exactly "obsessed"
What Kind Of Japanese Fan Are You?
I am the obsessed with anime fan even though I am not exactly "obsessed"
Finally! Follow us on Instagram real quick to get some beautiful anime art in your feed 👇