Quiz Results Alazne Chan

How Do You Restore Your Eldel Raid Power?

I do love sleeping...

What Kingdom Hearts Type Are You?

I can be in Orgy XIII now! (first thought that came to mind...)

What K-ON! Band Character Are You?

Aw...she is kinda cute! ^^ Except I'm not easily scared...and I would play bass not because I'm scared, but because I'm laid-back and chill...

What Yami No Matsuei Guy Are You?

Hm...He's kinda cute...but not bishie

What Vocaloid Are You?

I don't think I've done this one yet...


What Sonic Character Are You?

What?! No description?! Unfair!

Which Mew Mew Are You Most Like?

Jeeze, I've gotten pretty much every Mew already...

What Ace Attorney Character Are You?

What is this for again???

Who Is YOUR Anime Boss?

I was bored again...

What Popular Voice Actor Quote Request Are You?

I had no idea what this quiz is about...so...yeah...

Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?

Okay, I was just bored with this one...

Who Is YourTsubasa Date?


Who Is Your Fire Emblem Prince?

Alright!!!! I know how to choose a guy!

Why is it I always get the silent/strong guys???

Hi there friend!

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