
Title Otakuite
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Member Since 09/07/05
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Gifts ReiKiba: Thanks for entering the challenge! xD LilGingerSweets: Thank you for being in my challenge! :D TelisaofLight: Congratz for being a winner!!!! ^^
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Medals Contestant - Challenge: Create theOtaku\'s New Header Mascot (Prizes!) Contestant - Challenge: Create theOtaku\'s New Header Mascot (Prizes!) Winner - Challenge: Mascot Fantasy Girl Winner - Challenge: Creepy Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Contestant - Challenge: PowerPuff <3 Contestant - Challenge: PowerPuff <3 Contestant - Challenge: PowerPuff <3 Contestant - Challenge: PowerPuff <3 Contestant - Challenge: Your Art in theOtaku’s News Contestant - Challenge: Who Are You? Contestant - Challenge: Anime(ATE) Yourself Contestant - Challenge: A Perfect Gentleman Contestant - Challenge: A Valentines day treat! Winner - Challenge: Sweet tattoo designs Contestant - Challenge: ::WARNING:: Don\'t click if you\'re SCARED! Contestant - Challenge: *GREEN* With Envy! Contestant - Challenge: Halloween Style!~ Contestant - Challenge: ♥Kimono Girl♥ Contestant - Challenge: Black and White Winner - Challenge: Simpson time!! Contestant - Challenge: Create a Demon. Contestant - Challenge: Draw Suna! Contestant - Challenge: Draw Suna! Winner - Challenge: OC Easter fun =3 Winner - Challenge: CALLING ALL DOCTOR WHO FANS!!!! Contestant - Challenge: ghosts can love too! <3 Contestant - Challenge: ghosts can love too! <3 Contestant - Challenge: ghosts can love too! <3 Contestant - Challenge: ghosts can love too! <3 Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest Contestant - Challenge: New York Anime Festival Mascot Contest

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  • Hunter Kaskura
  • RickHunter33
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