Quiz Results
Which Sherlock Holmes Character Are You?
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What Fairy Tail Character Are You?
Eheheh...got Loke then Gray....Gray....he's cute but...
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
:D Yay? Dunno what Kingdom Hearts iiiis, but this person sounds cool!!
Ahh....should I be happy or scared?
OMG LOTUS FLOWER D: kyaaa~~ Kyan's gonna be jealous >w< hahah, I got Kanda's illusion! Even though I don't watch Digimon
What Type of Anime Girl Are You?
Yesh, I have a specific group of friends and most "normal" people don't understand us XD
Bwahahaha- APPLES!!!!!!!
Which Death Note Girl Are You?
:D Light's little sis!!!!
Chief Komui!!!! XD yay! I'll work alonside the exorcists finders and science team!
Yay!!!! Both times!
Which Song Would You Sing If You Were A Death Note Character?
What Sort Of theOtaku Member Are You?
Cute pic!!!
What Negima Girl Are You Most Like?
Nodoka is so sweet ^^
What Deltora Quest Character Are You?
Dragons!!!! XD
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