Quiz Results Kestudi

What Color Link Are You?

Hmm, if about half of people here are Green, then that's trouble... (49%)

What Is Your Level Of Sanity?

Well, it's yellow. Yellow's still better than red. (22%)

What Code Geass Character Are You?

Cool, I love alliteration! (11%)

What Type of Anime Girl Are You?

Re-take. Went from normal to loner. I wonder what prompted that change. (35%)

Which Furuba Character Are You?

Re-take. Went from left-out to most popular. That's unusual. (15%)

What Sparda Male Are You?

Another re-take. Went from selfless to killer (surprise surprise) (37%)

What CP9 Member Are You?

Re-took this quiz, went from cocky to killer. Great -_-. (11%)

What Guilty Gear Girl Are You?

Cool, I actually wanna check this out now! (8%)

What Kirby Hat Do You Wear?

Oooh, how very reflective! (10%)

What Yami No Matsuei Guy Are You?

Mmphft! That last line cracks me up! (4%)

What Anime Personality Are You?

!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?!....EXTREMELY unexpected (but pleasant [?]) surprise and surprisingly accurate. Hmm, this is certainly some food for thought to chew over...(7%)

Which Musketeer Are You?

>:) (16%)

What Genre Of Manga Are You?

Cool, I didn't even know such a thing existed! *cugh Death note cough* Wha? Nevermind. (9%)

Which Kissxsis Character Are You?

Wow, from an eight question quiz, not a bad answer I guess. (13%)

Which Pokemon Fire Starter Are You?

:) *evole X2* BURN EVERYTHING! (13%)

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