Quiz Results Kestudi

Dang, I was hoping for Italy, finish up the Axis trio. (13%)

Which Hetalia Character Are You?

At this rate I'm going to be all the actual Axis powers... (19%)

Hetalia! What Country Are You?

Interesting. (6%)

What Pokemon Starter Are You?


What Eevee Evolution Are You?

Hm, so judging from another quiz I took (espeon), I'm the sun AND the moon? (35%)

What Eevee Evolution Are You?

Wow, so, I'm technically not an eeveelution...(23%)

Who Is Your Detective Persona?


What Are Your Last Words Before GAME OVER?

This is like a direct quote of what I would say! (10%)

What RPG Class Best Fits You?

Ooo, cool! (15%)

What Anime Youngster Are You?

Yes and no I guess. (8%)

What Kind Of Dreamer Are You?

Not, met, at, all. (7%)

What Bender Are You?


What Type Of Humor Do You Have?


What's Your Personality Quirk?

So basically I'm a killer robot? (8%)

What Member Of The Team Are You?

What the heck? (23%)

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