Quiz Results Kestudi
What Girl From Furuba Are You?
Mmm. (18%)
What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?
This looks way too familiar...(14%)
...*swoon* (13%)
I may require more resolution though....(5%)
What Junior Detective League Member Are You?
Is that a boomerang?! (19%)
What Mermaid Melody Princess Are You?
*eyes sparkling* SO SHINY! (7%)
SWEET! (13%)
Darn, no mo minto. Ah well, at least that's now 2 for Minto and 2 for Zakuro. (19%)
Mmm, minty Minto! (19%)
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Of course there's something more; there's world domination! (9%)
What Suzumiya Character Are You?
*squints* (25%)
What Wedding Peach Love Angel Are You?
Urgle, why does she have to be named Daisy? (20%)
What Gintama Character Are You?
Mmm, black and crusty. (18%)
What Hellsing Character Are You?
I really can't tell between male and female anime characters anymore. (21%)
What�s Your Bleach Fun-ness Level?
??? totally didn't get that vibe from the answers I picked. (16%)
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