Quiz Results RinkuKunLuv

What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?

lol rarely play shooting games but halo and CoD is my favorite..im always a fantasy,Action,Adventure person..but seeing how im hardcore and play games for hours..this might be so?0-0

Which SSB Character Would You Be?

Lol why am i always link..but OMG HES MY FAVORITE CHARATER..especially toonlink..*Fangirl scream and hugs her toonie plushie* Again im into small,Cartoon,Child stuff..chibiness!><

What Harvest Moon Girl Are You?

Never heard of her before...guess im way into more friends of mineral town..-.-",I should get the newer HM games..

What Eevee Evolution Are You?

i do love the beach,The sounds of the waves going SWOOCH!xD

What Older Mario Game Are You?

i used to always play yoshi's island!Tho i was hoping for paperMario cause i love cartoon Childish games..like zelda windwaker<3

Awsome~!Yet,I forgotten about this anime~!I remember it was funny tho..hmph what ev.

What Type Of Gamer Are You?

yea,Thats me..hardcore gamer girl

What Mudkip Are You?

yay normal mudkip

What Sonic-X Character Are You?

AWW SONIC,I wana give him a hug!My childhood charater..><

What Fairy Tail Character Are You?

Just awsome

What Naruto Girl Are You?


What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?

Results for kingdomhearts

My Little Pony Personality Test!

Rainbow sonic boom! Yes~!^w^

Which Zelda Character Are You?

Lol why am i getting amaxing results!xD 1st try..;P

What Zelda Weapon Are You?

Even more zelda results

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