Quiz Results
Sakura Tachibana
Which Puyo Puyo Character Are You?
Cool. Wait, not v smartest person in v area? >-<
Which Youtube Star Is The Right Man For You?
Who's this?
Which Madagascar Character Are You?
I don't think everyone actually enjoys my company.
Ho-oh! Ho-ho-ho-ooooooooooh! Ho-oooooooooh! (Translation: Sometimes I can't b bothered or am a bit 2 scared. V sky is pretty. What r S and C types?)
What happened 2 her hair? I swear it was longer.
Who am I? She looks cute.
Which Hetalia Character Are You?
PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Si, i-a am quite-a lazy and-a bit of a social outcast. But-a I-a only have a few-a friends and I-a tend-a 2 get shy around friendly people. I-a like-a pasta.
What's this supposed 2 b?... -A-
I prefer triple-chocolate cookies. Those cookies r really cute though. Oh, and my social skills r very crap.
Which Sonic Character Would Be Your Best Man?
Wait, "Amy Rose will b your best MAN?!"
What Ouran High School Host Club Host Are You?
No Comment
Which Hetalia Guy Would You Date?
Well, I like pasta. It's very tasty. I might get seriously annoyed by his patheticness though. (Whaddaya mean, Feliciano Vargas? Where did that name come from?)
Isn't that a tsundere?
(I'm a boy?) -A-) I like Contests though. I wonder what it would b like having al those girls screaming @ me... Just off 2 walk Gromit now. (da-dum pssssssh!)
I feel like casting a spell on someone with my magic wand. I loive my wings! Flying is so cool! ^-^
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