Quiz Results shikamaru love
take that shane!!!!>w<
....wow.....rly.....cool..........i think.......^^;
yay......it just goes 2 show....i have no life!^^
Which Warrior Clan Would You Be In?
i thought so!^^
What Death Note Character Are You?
hmmmm...........im not exatly.......will...a lot of that....T_T
Which Song Would You Sing If You Were A Death Note Character?
What SpongeBob Character Are You?
kewl!^w^ patrick is awesome!!!>w<
What Wedding Peach Love Angel Are You?
serious...? no. T_T i don't even want to try......
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
I KNEW IT!!!>w< so easy 2 tell!^^;
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
i knew it!!! (>w<)/
What Legendary Otaku Fanart Artist Are You?
What Digimon Character Are You?
cool..that means i get to have gabumon^^
What Female FMA Character Are You?
hmmm.....true....i think.....
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