momo love What Is Your Anime Eye Color?

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Accuracy Rating:
93% (1 vote)
Original Anime and Manga Quizzes
anime, colour, eye, original
180 members Favoritefavorite
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    Well, firstly: are you for or against war?

    ...war's really not the answer...
    I really don't care, as long as its for a good cause.
    Where!? *pulls out a big-ass weapon*

    What's your current eye color?


    Now, pick a few traits that you have:

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)
    You always seem to have the TV remote when watching TV.
    You correct other peoples speech/grammar.
    You�re always smiling. ^^
    You have to win, any game is a competition.
    You shy away from too much social contact.
    You�re always sticking up for your friends.
    You watch nature programs.
    You prefer to do things yourself.
    You�re not always sure of what your doing.

    Do you think your evil?

    ... eh?
    Define... evil... he heh.
    No... last time I checked anyway.
    NOPE! :D

    ... are you analyzing my questions? *glares*

    ... Maybe...
    So what if I am?
    No, why would I?
    Now that you mention it...

    If your friend was kidnapped and held hostage for a ransom, what would you do?

    Save them! duh.
    What! This is WAR! No one kidnaps my friends!
    Think up some brilliant NON-VIOLENT plan to get them back.
    I don't know...
    Scream big complicated somewhat offensive words after the kidnapper.

    What grades do you usually get?

    C's & over.
    Am I suppose to care?

    Ok! End of quiz! Soooo, watcha gonna do now?

    Sleeeeeep =_=
    I'm not sure...
    Read a book. ^^
    Yay! End of quiz! *claps*
    Kick some goals. XD
    Do another quiz.
    Um... see my result?
    Save the TREEEEES!

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