Kenisu What Tribe Are You From?

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73% (192 votes)
Final Fantasy (General) Quizzes
crystal chronicles
44 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC Zahraa112 MarineSister6 reichiinya Ashlorrmull pikapower21 Jesserfly LavanderGirl mkam31 IchigoKuromaru09 Sabriela Hellena dark wolf21 Otakupop89 Sanku12 kuroenjeru clueless101 Ritsi Boy VampireGod fallenmistress19 smacktoo Blackkittydoll CElectra doggieknight hernandezangel94 santane nekosenpai dracoff2007 ladymage Vampire Girl 666 Devil in Desquise Anime Neko88 Ninja WhiteMage DarkRose22 teatherfoot Pirena000 inuykisha aerithFF7AC drakness81

    It is your first day traveling in your caravan. How do you feel?

    Nervous: I can do this .....I think.
    Itching for a fight: Time to kick serious monster BUTT!!
    Really curious: What could be out there? So much to learn!
    Careless: I can take care of myself.

    You run into a group of bandits who want your items. How do you react?

    Take what you want, but DON'T HURT ME!
    Bring it on! Let's rumble!
    Go ahead. I don't need this. I HAVE KNOWLEDGE!
    Snatch THEIR things, and run!

    You're almost to the myrrh tree, but suddenly, a giant beetle jumps out, and blocks the tree. How do you react?

    YAAY!! Something to beat up!
    While it doesn't notice, sneak around it, and get to the myrrh tree. hehe
    Tremble while swinging a sword around, timidly.
    Cast fire and burn it. Just move on.

    You just defeated the beetle. Then you walk up to the myrrh tree, and fill up your chalice. As you look at the tree, what are you thinking?

    "gawks at it for an hour" Pretty..
    Big deal.
    So much I can learn from this tree.
    All by myself too.

    You just finished your first year. What do you think?

    WOOOHOOO!! I trashed those suckers, and brought some myrrh!
    So much I learned this year.
    Not bad for a coward.
    I didn't even need help.

    Which of these describe you?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 2 answers)

    Which sentence describes you?

    Knowledge is everything.
    I can do this myself.
    I'm not much of a fighter.
    Try and beat me!

    Which of these would you want to be?

    Ranger: Hardworking, and adventurous.
    Knight: Tough, and strong.
    Sorcerer: Smart, and curious.
    Thief: Sneaky, and conniving.

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