pizzadone What Food Corresponds to Your Personality?

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Accuracy Rating:
79% (130 votes)
Neopets Quizzes
favorite, food, group, pizza, pizzadone, tasty, yummy
29 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC OwlCitizen reichiinya fantastlover1000 Kitty katswell Siltop Pirena000 TheDudeImHungry BeckyKurosaki Kaiyui Kazuto Kapurisu lilredninjaonfire Haitaka Russia x China PhoenixReality jasperthirty kaboom360 FrenchToastXD Sorafangirl Djmumblesz kamichama karin s brianachu bloody madi Kazamas-Keyblade

    What is your favorite color out of those below?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 3 answers)

    What is your favorite meal time?

    Breakfast, of course!
    Lunch, Duh!
    Dinner, yum!
    Snack/dessert time is your fave.
    Pizza time.

    How often do you eat?

    Eat? Oh, you mean gorge out every second of the day!
    Just meal times, and maybe a snack.
    I don't eat, I'm an anorexic robot.
    When I'm eating pizza.

    You've skipped breakfast! What do you do?

    Panic and grab the first thing you see; a banana!
    Sit down for a rushed bowl of cereal.
    Eat a cheese stick, you love them!
    Make some bacon, and chow down! You're in no rush... right?
    Grab a cereal bar, and run!
    Cold pizza... or hot pizza! Any time's good for pizza?

    OK, crisis averted, but you forgot to pack lunch! What do you do?

    Take half of your BFF's sandwhich.
    Oh, I'll just buy lunch today.
    Yum! My friend donated some cheese to the Feed My Starving Quiz Taker fund!
    I'll go hungry, I'm an anorexic robot...
    I'm too full from all the junk food I ate at breakfast.... So it's all good.
    Steal a slice of pizza from either the trash can or an unsuspecting passerby. You're not a hobo, just hungry and desperate!

    And dinner looks disgusting today... what's the menu like?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 4 answers)
    Probably some sort of gross, boiled, green veggie...
    I think Mom made tuna salad... EWW!
    Bleh! It's just boring sandwhiches!
    Eww... it looks like a... a... FANCY CHEESE PLATTER!
    That's just not right... unhealthy junk food....
    Something deep fryed and smothered in choclate.
    I'm eating pizza! But it has been ruined by pineapples and anchovies...
    I'm eating pizza. I don't like it though...

    You powered through that gross dinner, but now it's time for dessert! What sounds the best to you?

    Strawberry shortcake
    Aww, yeah! Pizza!
    Yeah! Cake with EXTRA frosting!
    Nom Nom... candy... nom...
    Carmalized bacon! Love it!
    I think that's a fruit salad! Yummy, yummy!

    Have you been selecting the pizza option this whole time?

    Yes! I love pizza!
    No, I varied my food choices.

    Which of these foods sounds the best?

    A glass of milk.
    Some blueberries.

    Does Guru eat Pizza?

    Who doesn't?
    He's an anorexic robot, no.
    I think I'll ask him by pressing that button!

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