GreenHairAlien Which Mew Mew Boy is for you?

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Tokyo Mew Mew Quizzes
tokyo mew mew power kisshu kish kis
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    How should he be?

    (choose at least 1 and at most 2 answers)
    He shall be teasing and have a little cute smirk
    He shall be like a best friend and a little more
    He shall be kind and romantic
    He shall be mysterious and quiet
    He shall be handsom and a little bossy
    He shall be fun to tease
    He shall be a real gentleman
    He shall be lively and fun

    What eye color shall he have?

    Gray eyes
    Dark blue eyes (almost black)
    Light blue
    Yellow eyes
    Oranges eyes
    Brown eyes

    What will you two do on a date?

    He will take me somewhere no one could find us and that have a great views, while we eat strawberries
    We will find the best cafe in the town and order their best tea, while I listen to a poem he wrote for me
    We take to the library and hold in hands, while we read the same book
    He takes me to the beach and at the evening we eat dinner, while we listen to the sea
    We go to see circus together, while we eats some candy
    We go a walk in the park, hand in hand and feed the ducks
    He takes me home to himself and we have a delicious dinner in a dark room with only some few romantic candles around us
    He take me out, the most sunny day to go roller skating, and after get a ice cream

    Shall you could see his stomach?

    Yes, it soooo cute and hot
    No, no need for that

    Shall he always agree with you?

    Yes, of course
    No, he can have his own opinion about things too
    It will be nice sometimes but he is free to have his own opinion too

    Shall he tease you or shall is please you?

    Tease, just for fun of course
    Tease, but he shall also know where my limits goes to
    Please, it always best if he can make me feel special

    Shall he make you feel save or make you feel alive?

    Save, he shall be the one I can come to, to talk with when I'm sad and then give me a big hug
    A little of both, not totally daddy type and not totally bad boy type
    Alive, I need a person that can make my day a bit more exciting

    Do you want him to take the first step?

    Yes, but I can help him with it
    No, I do that

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