harvestmoonluvr (Wallpaper Portfolio) Audi Famam Illius

Audi Famam Illius
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Audi Famam Illius

I have heard this rumor

Solus in hostes ruit

He alone rushed into his enemies

et patriam servavit

and saved his homeland

Audi famam illius

I have heard this rumor

Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destuens

He ran across the lands and everything he touched was destroyed

Audi famam illius

I have heard this rumor

Audi famam illius

I have heard this rumor

Spes omnibus, mihi quoque

He gave everyone hope, as he gave me

Terror omnibus, mihi quoque

He gave everyone fear, as he gave me


He is now...

Iuxta me

...Next to me

Ille iuxsta me

He is now next to me

Socii sunt mihi

My allies are with me

Qui olim viri fortes

My allies, who were once heroes

rivalesque erant

and old enemies, are here

splendor cresit

their splendor grew.

PHEW my fingers are sore now. -w-"
anyway, i did this wallie because i love this song SO much! x3
call me a geek, but i listen to it EVERY time i turn on SSB xD
its so awesome!! i find myself humming it all the time~
and i'm determined to memorize the whole thing~ (though i prolly wont be able to hit the operatic notes. xD)

and i chose Pit for 2 reasons...
1.) I beat the game with him first x3
2.) He's so friggin awesome I had to pick him xD
*glomps pit*
isn't he so epic looking?! i love him!!
and the lightning is epic too. x3
BUT i can't take credit for it, I got a set of brushes online that were really cool. thank you so much, lightning-brush creator! *forgot his/her name*

Well, i hope you guys'll love it!! x3
hugs and comments appreciateeeed! *huggles you all

dedicated to dream-chan because we love pit so much x3

Super Smash Bros Wallpapers
audi famam illius, harvestmoonluvr, hero, legend, lightning, pit, ssb, super smash bros
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6 members Favoritefavorite
Mokuba amy Kailith sakura dancer animelover7310 moonlit dream Angelic Song
Member Dedication
moonlit dream

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