Final Hikari (Wallpaper Portfolio) Star of The Night Sky

Star of The Night Sky
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Ah, I had fun with this one. XD But I also slaved over it; it took long over an hour. O.O The lyrics are from the song “Metamorphoze” by the highly-talented J-rocker, Gackt! He’s the best, even if the covers of his upcoming singles induce nightmares. XD They are © to him and Nippon Crown.

Not an overwhelming amount of information is know about Noctis and Stella, and even less was known back when I made this wallpaper back in mid 2008, but I still like the choice of lyrics. I didn’t want something too provocative that would be immediately disproved when more information was revealed, but I also wanted something meaningful and relevant to Versus’ dark plotline. I didn’t follow the flow of the song exactly, but here’s the ones I used (just I in case the font seems too swooshie to anyone XD):

The wavering vibrations tied me down
As the fragments of you fell into the deep darkness

In a world where not even running is allowed,
I only wanted to protect you

And now…even now, more than anyone else’s kind words,
I want to hold you in my arms once more

Even this seemingly neverending sky will one day reach its end
I will never forget you, your image burned in my eyes…

And now, even now…more than anyone’s kind words, it is your memory
That heals the pain that no one else could erase

We make mistakes over and over again, but…
The only thing I can still protect is the promise I made to you

Even now I keep on fighting for you…
Until the day that I can smile at you once more

No, “neverending” as one word is not in my spell checker, but apparently it’s in Gackt’s (or who ever translated this…XD) so it stays. *brick’d*

Final Fantasy XIII (Versus) Wallpapers
lovers, metamorphoze, noctis, stella
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