Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) C.o.S.m.I.c. {t w i li g h t}

C.o.S.m.I.c. {t w i li g h t}
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Tuxedo Mask & Sailor Chibi Moon

I made this wallpaper last night after I made the Judai wallpaper. I had always wanted to make a wallpaper with this scan anyways and figured I'd give it a shot and try to wall it. I've never seen this particular scan used in a wallpaper before. I just loved it. It was a beautiful scan of ChibiUsa and Tuxedo Mask. And this wallpaper was the result of that.
And honestly I've been starting to get back into Sailor Moon again and I've been watching the Sailor Moon Crystal episodes as they come out. I love the remake of the series and the art is so beautiful and it kind of rekindled my love for Sailor Moon as a whole, it made me remember why I love anime and refired my imagination and I saw a side of myself I haven't seen for awhile. It gave me hope. Sailor Moon gave me hope. That's why I've been so inspired and made all these Sailor Moon wallpapers and I have a few more planned too. But let me talk about the creation process of this wallpaper in particular.
This one just happened, it wasn't planned but it happened, I made it and when inspiration called, I followed it and made this wallpaper. I listened to my music as I made it. Tried new blending techniques as always, trying to push the envelope of what I could do as a wallpaper artist and this wallpaper is the resuly. I used a few textures and brushes and touched up the extracted scan and did my best to make a background that went with it and this was the result. I'm quite happy with this one. Loved what the clouds texture did. Anyway...what do you guys think? I'm curious. And I hope you guys enjoy the wallpaper as much as I did making it.
Dedication: SweeTea
I had you in mind when I made this RubyTea-chan. I made this as a late birthday gift to you. I wanted to make you something amazing (and that fit your screen resolution, hopefully it does. If not let me know and I can adjust it accordingly :) Anyway I hope you had a happy birthday and hope it was an amazing day for you and by the sound of your latest post it was. I'm happy you had a gReat and special birthday. *uber huggles you* Let me finish this by saying, I hope you enjoy the wallpaper and happy belated birthday. I'm so happy to have such a sweet friend like you *huggles again*
And Long description is long ;)

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
bokeh, chibiusa, chibiusa tsukino, clouds, mamoru, pink, sailor chibi moon, sailor moon, stars, tuxedo kamen, tuxedo mask, twilight
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17 members Favoritefavorite
yuna2008 Gear25 benihime27 dr Muraki XxArrancarFanxX SweeTea Hifsa allycat2090 nikkeh09 Snowzi Darkarax
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