Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) [ 11th Dimension ]

[ 11th Dimension ]
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Yuto Yuya

Made in Photoshop CS5

Will link background sources later

I finally got a little inspiration and I made this wallpaper. I had the PSD (Photo Shop Document) file for the background (was to be used for a GX wallpaper but didn't work out) so I made this one with the file instead.

The characters featured in the wallpaper are Yuto (left) and Yuya (right) from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V which I'm currently following.

To be honest I was originally going to make this wallpaper way earlier (I had a PSD saved but as you know my laptop stopped working, I'm still using the older one to make these). I ended up finally making this. It wasn't planned but it worked out alright.

I went for a night kind of vibe. This took maybe about an hour to make overall with maybe about 10 layers. Anyway I put Yuya in there first. And then Yuto (after the background was the way I wanted it). I was really lucky to find these renders of these guys. Good Arc-V scans/screenshots/renders are HARD to find. I'm happy with how the wallpaper turned out.

And as a sidenote about the title, I was thinking of lyrics from Miku Hatsune's "Nebula" song at the time.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. :)

Dedicated to everybody because I can't dedicate this to just one person. Its for all my friends here, cause you're all awesome.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, cards, city, duel disks, duelists, night, sakaki yuya, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yuto, yuya, yuya sakaki
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CureRose55 21Emmz12 nikkeh09 allycat2090 Snowzi code93 Darkarax KyraChan misachan83
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