Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Where is the Edge?

Where is the Edge?
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Blake is Original

Background | Petals | Background Blake | Dark clouds

Song - Where is The Edge? ~ Within Temptation

Made in za Photoshopz

Other RWBY wallpapers I've done similar to this...

R (collab with Snowzi) | W

This is my 3rd wallpaper in a mini series of wallpapers featuring the main team of RWBY. This wallpaper features Blake Belladonna, the rebel faunus who broke away from the White Fang due to different views on equality. Her biggest character flaw is that she runs away when things get to be too much. She runs away from Adam (for good reason) and she ran away from Yang and ended up betraying team RWBY as a whole. I'm not going to say much else because...SPOILERS....

I was listening to this song by Within Temptation and I thought at first the lyrics fit Weiss. But as I continued listening to said song, I figured out it matched Blake's character better. She has a good heart but she has a lot of inner turmoil that causes her to run away from her past. She is a strong fighter, she was a vital part of team RWBY. I thought the lyrics represented best who she was as person. She has good intentions but a dark past. Hopefully more of this will be explored more in volume 4 of RWBY.

For the wallpaper, like the other two, I tried to make them best reflect the character's respective color trailers. I tried to make this wallpaper look like the Black trailer in mood and tone. Used a gradient which added a different effect. This took me about an hour or so to do. It was actually kind of a challenging wallpaper, given the fact Blake is such an enigmatic character.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Snowzi who's also a RWBY fan. (SORRY I dedicate every almost RWBY wallpaper I make to you~)

RWBY Wallpapers
black, blake, blake belladonna, faunus, lyrics, moon, petals, red, rwby, trees
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DrarkBlade Snowzi allycat2090 SmallxLady ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX clueless101 misachan83
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