KyraChan (Wallpaper Portfolio) My Hero

My Hero
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Wallpaper inspired by this AMV. After watching it, I started thinking about mentors and heroes and such. I thought of who I consider to be my mentor, the private trombone teacher who taught me for six years, and how I miss having those lessons, or even having deep conversations with adults who aren't my parents.

Then I realized - I'm 20 years old. I am an adult. Which means I'm transitioning from the one being inspired by a mentor to the one inspiring others, which reminded me of my little cousin who treats me like I'm his mentor, especially when it comes to writing.

Of course, this doesn't mean I stop being inspired by others. Like the AMV shows, sometimes the "student" inspires the "master".

That's one of the biggest strengths of Boku no Hero Academia, I think -- Its themes of inspiration and mentors. Even just so far in the second season, All Might's limit of being in his buff form is now just 50 minutes, which means he'll probably save it more for teaching and stop being in the public eye so much. This means Izuku now needs to step up and become the new inspirational icon for the public. He's kinda like me, in the middle of transforming into the inspirational, instead of the inspired.

Another beautiful thing about the mentor/student relationship between Izuku and All Might is that, while the public has a certain idea of All Might, Izuku knows who he really is and still thinks of him as an amazing hero, his idol. There're probably people out there who do/will feel that way about us, and those who we feel about them. It's such a strong idea.

Anyway, making this wallpaper was a bit weird -- I wanted a sort of old, treasured photo feeling, but also a sort of comic book feeling. I think I hit a sort of sweet middle, but who knows.

Dedicated to Judai Winchester, since you always say you find my wallpapers to be inspirational. Honestly, you have no clue how happy that makes me. Those comments are one of the biggest reasons why I still keep making wallpapers. I love you, keep up your hard work, even if your mother gives you grief. You're strong, smart, and I know you can make it through anything. ♥

My Hero Academia Wallpapers
All Might, My Hero, My Hero Academia
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