Role: March hare
Real Name: Marcus
Gender: male
Age: 18
Personality: He has a split personality. He is a tad bit crazy, he has his moments when he just breakouts out in crazy actions and laughs manically. But at other times he is very calm and normal. He can also be a tad timid.
Looks: light brown hair with dark brown highlights. His hair reaches his shoulders and is messy in his face. One light blue eye and the other a light green.
Outfit: A black button up sleeveless shirt, a black vest with little hat designs on it, black pants, leather wrist bands on both wrists, wears rings on every other finger on his right hand, a chain on the left side, and black boots.
Weapon: Revolver, whip, and knife(uses either when ever he wants)
Half Animal Attributes(only applies for those who play animal roles): He has dark brown rabbit ears replacing normal ears, and a tail.
Past(not needed yet but may come into play later): Marcus was always a tad be different. He was messed with his weird crazy-ness, people thought he was a mad murderer. He never lived with his family due to his "problems", so he traveled a bit in the woods trying to find a place were he belongs. He often hung out with the mad hatter and a door mouse.