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~ TimeChaser

Bossman Meets Tim Schafer

Really happy tonight to meet one of the greatest and most creative game designers of all time (Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, Brutal Legend, etc., etc.)

Following a speech he gave, I waited amongst a mass of people to talk to him. Here's how things went down:

Adam Thoughts: "Crap, I'm totally unprepared. I could ask him for a photo, but everyone does that."
Adam Thoughts: "Hm...how can I blow his mind with something creative using only what I have in my possession."

Suddenly, inspiration!

From my iPhone I download a wallpaper of Grim Fandango. I then open the wallpaper using an MS Paint-like app that lets you scribble with your finger.

When I met Tim I told him I'd have him do a first and use his finger to digitally sign my iPhone's wallpaper. He was completely perplexed by the thought and gave it a try ("How do I sign your screen?").

I now have a virtually signed iPhone wallpaper of one of the best games ever made. Plus I impressed him with some last second creativity.

I wish I had used the opportunity to ask him a question or two, but instead I just complained about how hard it is to be an independent game designer, especially when you juggle other stuff at the same time.

Here it is (I'll probably touch it up):

This Post is Dedicated to Kita

She'll know what it means

The Only Thing Worse Than a Russian Virus

Dark chocolate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I had one and it ruined my week it was so disgusting. The last time I had a chocolate that bad was when I tried coconut M&Ms.

Test #3


Test #2

I messed something up in my previous post, hopefully it works this time!