Terrible Food.

Sunlight coaxed Konan's face... something she didn't want... she had locked herself up in her room for the past few days, only allowing Puppet to come in and nourish her. Finally, she decided she was hungry, and it was time to exit her dark and imprisoning room.

Groggily, she walked the hallways, almost falling over. Only when she spotted the kitchen did her knees buckle, she cursed inward, 'How weak.' She held onto the counter for dear life, and opened the fridge, she grabbed a jug of water and chugged it, all the while preparing some instant ramen.

A chuckle sounded from the dining area, but it was closer than she thought, 'I need to stop locking myself in my room... it's dulling my senses.' She ignored the chuckle, and continued to make her ramen. "You look like a ------- mess." She also ignored the voice. The Jashinist still chuckled though, advancing towards her.

"So now you're ignoring me now too?" He asked, and took a swig of milk from the milk jug.

'Don't answer him, you'll only ignite him.' She closed her eyes, and turned on the stove, but he decided to talk to her anyway, a sort of one way conversation.

He sighed, "Puppet shouldn't make us food like that, I'm starting to miss it. We're used to ------- gruel here, anything better than that only makes us want more." Still not responding, Konan gave him a glance over her shoulder, he was tossing and catching an apple. "But damn I miss the good food." His teeth tore through the apple, and he remained silent.

"Why don't you go ask her to make you something instead of complaining to me." She stated, still focused on her ramen.

He scoffed, "If she were here, do you think I wouldn't be doing exactly that? ---- you ARE slow." He took another bite of the apple and walked away. But before he left he threw over his shoulder, "And you should right your cloak."

Then SHE scoffed, but she looked down anyway... she smacked her forehead... she forgot to button up. Good thing she still wore her Shinobi outfit. She buttoned up her cloak, and brought her ramen back to her room... missing the smells of what Puppet would've made... she sighed when she closed the door.
