Lynnfondil (lyn-fon-dil):
Grace footed, great magic and skill. Like life and company. Don't like adventures.
Coostra (Cou-str-a):
Great forging skill, great in battle. Okay with magic. Don't like sitting around.
Yorzoeza (Yo-zoe-za):
Very quiet and peaceful. Great hearing and archery. Don't like loudness.
Dixemay (Die-xe-may):
House of royals. Great senses, magic, great in battle. Don't like the open.
Tamhuei (Tee-am-who-ee):
Loud, crazy, and great at running. Great at seeing, and can do magic. Don't like the quiet.
Pazouma (Pa-zoo-ma):
People with no house fall under this category.