The Meaning of the Letter

Authors note: I have this planned out for the most part. I'd just like to know how this sounds so far for the basic idea. Could I get some reviews? Also, I think this qualifies for publication. I wasn't really sure about the "self contained" part. owo;; Not sure though, hope so. ^^;; Til then, enjoy the first chapter.

The Meaning of a Letter
A Near Fanfic





These are only a few words that begin with the letter “L”. It seemed though, that many of these things did not really apply to him. Him meaning L himself. L couldn’t really live in the normal meaning of the word. He didn’t have time for the regular things people did. Often he took on cases that didn’t guarantee that he’d live long. Most L’s before him died before hitting forty. Considering it was important to stay unknown he didn’t have time to fall in love with anyone. He couldn’t afford to be close to anyone. L was an orphan too, and that meant a families love was out of the question. The only true thing L could have is liberty. He chose what cases he took on and whether or not they interested him. These cases also often brought about liberty to others. Occasionally he took on a solely selfish case purely for the sake of it catching his interest. Just like the one he was to be taking on soon.

No matter how many times he reminded them to call him L it seemed his three lackies, Ridner, Geovanni, and Lester, could not it get through their heads to call him it and not Near. The first time they slipped up on the phone, even if it was only the “N” sound of Near, he banned them from answering it. That had just happened today and his aggravation was slipping out. As near went to add another dice to his Eiffel Tower replica he moved too quickly and knocked over a portion of it. The boy gave a frown. This was generally the limit of his shown emotion.

The newest face of L then knocked over the rest of his tower rather violently and watched the dice scatter. After he stared at the mount of dice on the floor for a few moments he proceeded to look through a group of vanilla folders on the floor next to him he’d been putting off. All of them were cases or just things that Geovanni had found and thought he might be interested in, Near never liked any of them.

By the time he got to the second folder, the first was now tossed on top of the dice pile, Hal Ridner came running in and asked about the crash. It took her longer than usual, but it was around two in the morning. “It sounded like a bomb just went off, L,” She said as the boy looked up at her with his stone grey eyes. “My tower fell over,” He replied, neglecting to mention that he had done it himself. Considering the time of night the woman before him would probably give him a small lecture, despite who was really in control here. Near, L, was seventeen now. The last thing he wanted anymore was a lecture. While at Whammy’s he would behave perfectly and do as he was told, apologize when needed. Now he could care less about these adults complaining. Both they and he knew that even though he had his cold outward shell inside him was still an adolescent boy not fully a man. Nate was in fact, shockingly, human. An average human boy who just happened to be crazy smart, had solved the ending to the Kira case, still couldn’t help but stare when a pretty girl came in view of one of the security cameras, and then change the topic embarrassed if someone caught him zooming out for once. He’d secretly been relieved at this, as at least he was considered normal in one way. After all those years with Miheal and his secret stripper ways of dressing the boy had questioned himself on those topics. Near was a normal guy, he just had a brilliant façade. L had to be like that.

Ridner simply nodded now and turned to leave. As the woman was nearly out the door Near skimmed through the files again. Two words marked on a yellow post-it note with the fifth folder caught his eye.

Death Note???” It had scrawled on it

“Wait,” Near shouted out to grab Ridners attention. The blonde woman looked back at him. “Get Geovanni up to explain more on this case,” Near said holding up the folder. “Nea- L, its 2:13 A.M. he needs to slee-“ She had started but stopped when she saw the post-it note,”Alright.”

Near then began to look at the files details. To nears surprise the folder was not holding basic case information. Instead Near got pictures of a house. This would’ve not been abnormal had it not been for the fact that it was neither wrapped up in “Do Not Cross” tape nor in color. He flipped to the next page and read the headline. “The Legend of the Willow House,” Near read aloud to himself. As he continued to read down the page Geovanni arrived in a plain white t-shirt and sweats. When L called you went to him dressed or not.

Near looked over his shoulder to the man,” My mistake. I thought this case might be important. I’m rather insulted that you put a ghost house in here. Especially considering we already are aware of shinigamis and the afterworld.”

“L, I figured you’d be interested because there’s undoubtedly a shinigami involved with the case.”

“I can’t say that really catches my atten-“ Near was cut off.

“The previous L tried to solve it. It’s where he got his fear of shinigami from.”

The white haired boy froze. All he wanted was to be like L. If he took on this case, so would Near. He looked back to Geovanni with his classic grin. “Ah,” he said and nodded.

The two subordinates of L then knew he actually was going to take on the case. They were going to leave just as the boy spoke again,” By the way, how did you find out that L had a fear of shinigami?” Near looked back at the older man as he was honestly curious about the information. Near himself had not been aware of it until now. “I met with the police squad that had been working with him one day while I was out. We ended up talking and that came up during conversation,” Geovanni said rather embarrassedly. He was not sure if Near wanted him to talk to them without his permission.

Near then looked back ahead of him at the file. He easily hid the envy he had that Geovanni so easily had talked to these people he barely knew. Near rarely left his room unless a case called for it, and it rarely did. Near nodded without looking at the two,” Is there any other information that you think would be useful for me to know or that I’d like to know?”


“Alright you can go back to your rooms then,” Near said stopping on a page in the folder.

It caught his eye because it was handwritten, handwritten by L. For a while Near just stared at the page before him, and then he read it. Then read it again, and again, and again, and again. The boy read it until he could no longer stay awake. Maybe then those words on that piece of paper would magically turn him into the L he knew when he woke up.