My character is new to Amoura can they start with having their soul weapon?
-No they may not. They won’t even know what a soul weapon is.
My character is not new to Amoura are they allowed to have their soul weapon?
-Again no. I would love it for everyone to go through the class to obtain their soul weapon.
Why are Time and Moon elementals not allowed?
-Because they are extremely rare and my characters do in fact exist in this RP so no moon or time elementals are allowed in this rp. I’m sorry I just don’t want things to get out of hand.
Can my character obtain the rare ability of their element?
-Again I’m sorry but no. I don’t want the rare abilities of the elements to be used in this rp.
Can my character start off with knowing advanced abilities of their element?
-Only if they are not new to the academy. That is the only way I will allow your character to be able to use the advanced abilities right off the bat. That doesn’t mean everyone should make their character not new to the academy. That just wouldn’t be fun -_-
Last time there were spirit animals are the still a thing in this?
-Of course they are, I just didn’t put them in the profile for this one because I got a lot of “do I have to make a spirit animal for my character” questions when I did this the first time around. (Yes I still remember those questions -_-)
Is there going to be a map of Amoura?
-Yes! I just have to scan it in and draw it. There will also be a map of Elemental Academy as well.
Will you write the lore to Amoura?
-I plan on it!!!
I don’t know if I covered all the questioned that I figured people would ask so if you have a questioned that was not answered in this please comment below and I’ll be happy to answer and add it to the list.