Dream Weavers App: Isabel

Name: Isabel Torres (Prefers to be called "Izzy" or "Isa")
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3" | Weight: 126 lbs (mostly muscle)

Ability Type: Innovator
Creativity: 15
Concentration: 20
Confidence: 27
Beginner or Experienced? Experienced

Izzy discovered her ability when she was pretending to be her favorite superhero and turned her blanket into a replica of his cape. She showed her friends, and their parents reported her to Lune Labs.
In a demonstration at the lab, her powers caught the eye of a military contractor. At the age of 16, Izzy was turned over to the military, where her abilities were used for espionage. Her handler returned her to Lune Labs when she lost her composure and one of her Ideas warped into a Nightmare.
After a year with no incidents, she's been appointed as a recruiter for the anti-Nightmare force in Rem City.

Izzy is spunky and outgoing, generally making her a take-charge kind of person. Underneath her usual cheerfulness, she's trying to fight her negative feelings about being used by the lab and the military because she's afraid of creating more Nightmares. Right now, Izzy is just happy to have some freedom and be around other people like her.
She can be brutally honest, as she hates lying and liars. She's protective of those around her and is normally cool-headed in a fight.

Likes: Softball, kids & animals (though she's not good with either), video games (in her short time outside the lab, she's become addicted to them)
Dislikes: her ability, small spaces, hypocrites

- Skilled at disguises. She gets every detail just right and can maintain the disguise up to the full 2-hour limit.
- She's claustrophobic.
- The knapsack that she carries contains objects that she can project onto. Her favorite base to use is a softball. She turns it into a "Freeze Ball," which looks like a snow ball and stops her opponents' movements when it hits them.
