Stories: Dreamer

Chapter 22

As Haru and Ari step inside the enormous BIOTECH factory, Ari’s uncle and several employees meet them at the door. “Ariana,” he says smoothly, “what a surprise it is to see you.” Ari stiffens. “So you brought him after all. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t.”

“Quit going through the middle man and talk to me,” Haru demands. “What’s the big idea of kidnaping my friends?”

The man smirks and fiddles with his tie. “You’ve gotten much bolder since we last saw you, boy. I’d think that you’d remember that around here, it’s best to keep your mouth shut.”

Haru scowls at Ari’s uncle. “Where are my friends?” he yells.

“Let’s not get hasty,” Ari’s uncle says. “First, we have some business to take up with you.” He motions for Haru to approach him and says, “Come here.”

Haru and Ari cautiously begin to approach the BIOTECH C.E.O., but one of his coworkers grabs Ari by the shoulder and holds her back. “He doesn’t have to go anywhere with you by himself!” Ari yells. “Let me come with him!”

“Quit being stubborn, Ariana,” her uncle says coarsely. “The sooner you cooperate, the sooner this will all be over.”

“Leave her alone, or I won’t–!”

Ari’s uncle cuts Haru off. “Have you already forgotten about your little friends?” Haru falls silent. “Now come with me,” Ari’s uncle says.

Haru reluctantly follows the C.E.O. away from Ari, into another room where he is surrounded by men with lab coats. “What is this about?” Haru demands. “Why did you kidnap Asha and Hikaru?”

Ari’s uncle clamps his hand on Haru’s shoulder and knocks Haru against the wall. “I thought I told you not to run your mouth, boy,” he snarls. “I make the demands around here.” He releases his hold on Haru and lets him fall to the ground.

“As you know,” Ari’s uncle begins, “we conducted a long-term research project on you that was never completed. The aim of the project was to create a well-rounded combatant for military use.” He eyes Haru as he watches him pull himself up and lean against the wall. “I believe you already know all about Project “Power”, don’t you?” Haru glares at the professor. “You snuck into the research lab that you escaped from three years ago and stole documents that were previously thought to have been completely destroyed by your little stunt when you ran.”

“Stunt?” Haru asks.

“You don’t remember?” Ari’s uncle inquires. “That’s certainly intriguing.”

“I remember a fire...That’s when I ran,” Haru says.

“A fire that you ignited when you tried to use your newest powers on one of our researchers.”


“I realize that you’ve reawakened your healing abilities,” Ari’s uncle explains, pushing his glasses up on the ridge of his nose. “But you have one other ability that has lain dormant in you since you escaped the laboratory. You were supposed to have several more powers; however, since you escaped, you never received them. It’s our job to finish what we started. We must detain you and finish our work.”

“So you just want your weapon back,” Haru says angrily. “Is that all I am to you?!”

“That’s all you ever were,” Ari’s uncle says harshly. “You have no other purpose to serve, nor do you have anything or anyone to distract you from that purpose. We made sure of that when we isolated you from an early age. Unfortunately, that Mitsuye woman had to come into the picture...”

Miss Mitsuye?! Haru thinks, shocked to hear him mention her name.

“Once you forged a bond with the woman, you became more and more difficult to deal with until you attacked our scientists and destroyed the lab.”

Then, these people...are the reason my parents are gone... Haru thinks. I was always alone. “Why...?” Haru murmurs. “You forced me to be alone for the sake of your research...then, you gave me these powers, knowing that they would kill me...and for what?!”

“A fail-safe mechanism to keep you from falling into the wrong hands, my boy,” Ari’s uncle says. “Only we have the antidote. You belong to us.”

Haru feels the tears welling up in his eyes. Though he tries to force them back, they come spilling out as he struggles to stand and face the men. “I’m not...” Ari’s uncle narrows his eyes angrily, as if daring Haru to speak on. Haru clenches his fists in frustration as his thoughts turn back to his friends.

“DON’T TELL ME YOU BELIEVE THAT!” Asha yells. “You’re NOT just a tool, Haru-san!!! You have people who care about you and want you to be happy! Mitsuye-san,..Hikaru-san and I...We’re your family, remember?” she weeps. “Please… don’t leave us behind!”

“I’M NOT JUST A TOOL THAT YOU CAN USE AND THROW AWAY!!!” Haru yells, finally feeling brave enough to look his persecutor in the eyes.

“I made you,” Ari’s uncle says icily. “How dare you talk back to me?!”

“I’m not property. You don’t own me!” Haru speaks up. “I won’t let you control me anymore!”

“You BRAT!!!”

Before he can grab Haru, Ari breaks into the room and gets in between him and her uncle. “I found them!” Ari announces. “Now’s your chance to grab your friends and hightail it out of here, Haru!”

“ARIANA!!!” her uncle roars. “Stay out of this, or I’ll be forced to replace you and your brother!!”

“HARU, GO!!!” Ari yells.

“What about you?” Haru calls back.

“I’ll be right behind you!” Ari calls. “Just GO!!!”

Haru slips past her and escapes through the door. “You won’t antagonize him the way you do Ryo and me,” Ari declares. “And you won’t hurt Ryo, either, if I have anything to say about it!!”

“You’re making a mistake, Ariana!” her uncle threatens.

“Time to make my exit!” Ari jerks herself out of her uncle’s grip and runs out to catch up with Haru.

“You poor fools,” her uncle growls.