An Impossible Love (Ch. 2)

Yay, chapter 2 is up! I worked on this chapter at school… I didn’t feel like doing homework! :|

It was Tohru.
“Holy…!!! Tohru!” Kyo yelled, opening his clenched fists.
“Oh! Did I scare you? … I did! I’m so sorry! Oh no, I…um,” she gasped, deathly afraid that she had hurt Kyon-Kitchi’s feelings.
“Tohru, you scared the hell out of me! Why are you in my room? Are you doing laundry or somethin’? Well, hurry up and get it over with!” Kyo scowled. He didn’t want Tohru to see him like this. He looked pointedly at the other wall. A stifled sob came from across the room.
“I … I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to scare you like that, and I… Well… Are you sure you’re okay? Because you don’t look good – Oh! Do you have a fever? OH NO, I gave Kyo a fever!!! …,” she bowed over and over, and ran over to Kyo. Her delicate hand flew up under his russet colored hair to feel his forehead. It was warm, but for reasons other than a fever…
Kyo’s expression softened. “It’s okay Tohru, you don’t have to apologize. It’s my own damn fault for not seeing you coming up behind me like that until the last second,” he apologized, awkwardly but gently pushing her hand away and insisting that he was fine.
Tohru looked up. Had she heard right? Was Kyo apologizing to her?
“Come on; let’s go get you some water (Tohru was hiccupping). Okay?” Kyo motioned for her to follow him to the kitchen.
“No, I’m fine, really, I just umm, I’ll just, uh, go… Oh! Laundry! Kyo, do you have anything for me to wash?” Tohru asked, still hiccupping.
“Uhmm, no… Seriously, you should drink some water. Your hiccupping is getting annoying.”
Her face turned a brilliant shade of coral pink to match the silk ribbons tied in her hair.
“No! I mean, no, it’s not annoying, it’s just… ahg! (sounds of exasperation…) Just forget it,” Kyo muttered, heaving a deep sigh. He looked at Tohru’s vivid sparkling eyes and mentally scolded himself. You’re such an ass, he though. Why can’t you be nice to her for a change?
“Come on, let’s go to the roof. I want to show you something,” he said, steering her out of his room, and towards the staircase.
They walked side by side in a self-conscious silence. About midway up the stairs, Tohru lost her footing and grabbed onto the railing for support.
“Uwah!” she shouted, surprised at her sudden unbalanced self.
After flailing her arms for a few seconds, she finally fell over, right on top of Kyo. There was a slight pause and then POOF! and right where Kyo had been walking just seconds ago was a ginger cat. Tohru’s eyes practically bulged out of her head in a mixture of surprise and regret.
“Oh! Are you okay Kyo? I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I slipped! Oh no, are you sure you’re really okay?” Tohru called in alarm.
“Yeah, I’m fine. You?” Kyo rolled his eyes at her frivolousness.
“Uh… Uh huh…”
Kyo sighed again. This kind of ruined the moment…
They both froze as footsteps approached them.
“Oh my, what have we here?” Shigure asked, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. He glanced around and saw Tohru bending over the orange cat and cracked a wicked grin. “Ah, young love!” he proclaimed, bouncing jovially towards them.
“It’s not like that, you sick demented freak! Tohru slipped and that’s all!” Kyo growled, glaring at him.
“Oh she slipped, hmm? Excuses, excuses. It’s okay to tell me if you two are together! That reminds me of when I was young…” and ignoring Kyo, he launched into some old sick story about his high school days.
Kyo finally found someone to vent his anger on.
“SHIGURE!!!” he yowled, and lunged towards him.

Haha. A typical day in the Sohma household… :3. Shigure makes me laugh.
I will update as soon as possible, okay? >^_^
