Romantic Side Story 1

"HA!" i crossed the finnish line a split second before cal, and promptly floped into the grass beside the track. "AND THATS HOW I BEAT YO ASS IN 1600 meters!!!"
"REMATCH! you barely won! ill beat you this time, lets go for it!" my friend yelld, red-faced.
"you kidding me? its 9! im heading in for the night!" i said and stood up, stretching in the warm summer evening.
"fine. TOMORROW then." he growled and stomped off.
"its a deal! cant wait to see your face when you lose!" i smiled. cals a nice guy, but he really does get into it in compitition.
i took a detour to the mess hall on my way to my room. time to raid the fridge...
i entered the dark pantry and stopped.
was that footsteps i heard behind me? i felt around and grabed the door stoper and proped thw door open just in case i needed a quick exit and catiously moved foreward....
I jumped and backed away from the noise, even though i knew the old stoper had just sliped, leaving room in pitch darkness. suddenly i collided with someone. we both jumped and yelled. the otlther personScreamed. Wait.....
i felt around the wall and turned the lights on and nearly had a heart attack. the person in front of me was covered in red...holy shit is that blood??? "Aizis! WHAT HAPPENED??"
" oh my god, alek thank god its just you! i thought i was dead for sure! haha..." i helped her up and nervously checked her over for injuries
"what happend??"
"well, i came down here to find some pop corn....but then i found some chips and salsa, and then i came in here to look for the light switch...and then i bumped into you! why?"
salsa.....i sighed in relief. god now i see it. how the helld i think it was blood. i looked at the floor andall the mess. "sorry about that! let me help you clean up."
we grabbed some towls and set to work. "whats with all the snacks? hungry?"
"nah!" she said as we left the pantry - wed found more chips - "everyone in the girls dorms are having a movie night in the coed rec room. hey! you and cal-chan should come! i think selenas inviting the guys dorm too!"
"sure! thats sounds great. what movie?"
"well we found a cool Looking horror flick and-" she triped over a crumbling spot in the pathway. i caught her before she fell.
"you really need to watch where you're going, klutz!" i laughed, still holding her.
she smiled, giving me a look and about to come up with a come back when a weird look passed over her face and she blushed.
"i just realized youre shirtless....."
"oh..." i hadnt bothered to put it back on after cal and is race.i helped her up and she quickly grabed her chips and backed away.
"well, i, well, go get cal-chan, and, well, ill, um, see you there!" she stuttered.
i watched her retreat, completely confused. then got an idea "hey! since you invited me, we're sitting together, right!?"
her face got redder but she also smiled and nodded, then hurried off.
i shook my head. i have such strange friends!
i set up the movie reel into the ancient machine, and tried to start it up. no luck.....hmmm..
i opened a little hatch on the side and studied the little wires and ancient workings. i pointed towards the degraded looking circut board. with a Sharp CRACK and a small flash the thing finally whirred to life. i smiled, pleased with my work. im getting the hang of this element thing! i spotted aizis sneaking into the room. she had the snacks, but her face was bright red. i walked up to her.
"what happened to you? your face is red....and so are your clothes..."
"well about that hehe....I FOUND THE CHIPS!" she tried to walk away.
"come back you!" i grabed her shirt and tuged her over to a pair of plushy chairs "spill."
"well, i got into the pantry, found some snacks, couldnt find the light, heard a bang, bumped into alek, fell down, got salsa all over, walked a little bit, trippd, he caught me, he was shirtless, i flipped out, im an idiot, then ran away and thats it so kay bye." she said all in one breath and tried to escape.
"DONT YOU DARE RUN AWAY YOU LITTE-" i grabed her wrist and yanked her back into the chair. "so you found alek...and he was shirtless?"
she nodded.
i smilled at her. GOD! she likes him, but shes just too oblivious! "so....does he have nice abs?" i asked, smiling. theNice shade of red on her face told me yes. Oh my god why arent these two canon!?
"aizis!" a voice called from across the room. aizis smiled and waved at the guy. oh, right. liral. hes totally into aizis and its soooo obvious, but once again: SHES OBLIVIOUS. but maybe hes why shes so unsure about alek...
i sighed. im no good at this relationship stuff. i mean i have like no expirience, and who'd i ever date around here. for some reason an image of caleb flashed across my mind. FUCK U BRAIN WTF!!!
im pretty sure my face looked pretty odd at that point cuz aizis got all concerned. "are you ok, izu-chan?"
"yeah, im fine!" i said, sounding too happy and trying to laugh it off. "the real question is, did you invite him?"
"he already asked me to..."
"i said yes?"
"GOOD!" i heard the door slam and saw alek and caleb had just got here.
time to start the party!
"AAAAH!" yeah that film? TERRIFYING. i jumped and saw aizis, sitting near me do the same.
caleb, sitting on my Other side, snorted.
"scared?" he asked.
"yes you ass!" i hiss back, i could hear the air close to my ears snapping with static. he did too.
"kay, ill shut up. dont wanna piss of the drier sock." he laughed.
i ignored him. vaguely, over the movie, i heard the low rumbling of thunder outside.On screen, the murderer approached the closet where the main character was hiding....
"ah shit..."
"what?" caleb glared critically at the screen, "this isnt scarry! we all know whats gonna happen! its obvious!"
"its still scarry!" i argued
"WAAAAH!" i jumped and aizis screamed again, i loked over and saw she was holding alek's hand.
yes!!! i cheered silently then relized....shes holding one of lirals too....WHYD I LET HIM SIT NEAR HER DAMN IT!?!?
next to me caleb laughed again. "are you kiding me? thats not scarry in the least!"
"ha! let me guess, youre not scarred of anything right?" i asked critically.
"nope." he bosted.
suddenly a huge flash of lightening appeared outside the window, flooding the room with bright light. on screen the murder was rushing towards the screen, bloody knife outstretched. a clap of thunder followed, so loud that the building shacked. at the same time a power surge blew out the bulb on the projecter shattered, the last image bfore it flashed off, was the murderer's half melted face...
"AAAAHHHHHH!""HOLY SHIIT!" caleb jerked out of his seat and stumbled in the sudden darkness, all around us, people were crying and freaking out, i could hear alek and liral both freting over aizis who seemed to be hyperventalating...
i sighed. "hang on everyone, the power just went out...." I reached over and unscrewed the lightbulb off a lamp and poured some of my powr into it, it flickered to life, casting a dim light over the people crowed in the large room.
"hey!! SHES NOW SHES AN ANGRY LAMP!" caleb yelled
"SHUT UP YOU ASS!" i punched him.
"AIZIS!!" a panic stricken liral yelled. I walk over and looked at her.
"calm down. shes fine, i think she just...fainted" i almost laughed. my god thats so like her.
"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLPPP!" someone's scream echoed down from the hall to the girl's dorm...
"was that selena?" alek asked.
"i think so...." i said worriedly.
caleb stared worridly down the hall, and looked at me. "well you coming?"
"we cant just leave her on her own, you have the only light, and im not letting you go by yourself" he said andGrabing my hand, he pulled me down the hall way. i turned back around "find some matches everyone, girls, stay out of here untill we get back!"
we moved caususly down the corridor, "i thought YOU were your #1 priority. why r you so worried about her?" i asked. i dont know why the thought of him really caring for selena bothered me...
"no, thats true." he said. typical. "but thats also why i gotta go see whats up. itll look bad if i let one of my class mates get herself murderer while im arround" arrigant little...
well, maybe thats a lie. i guess every1 has a heart, right?
we reached the dorm rooms. "now what?" i asked.
"we search every1 untill we find her" he said, pulling me towards a door way.
"hey! would you let of me now?"
"no! youre my flashlight. Im not lettin u wander off!"
we searched every room we came across, but still no sign of selena...."Do you hear that?" i asked. we stoped moving and listened....
footsteps...and something else...
suddenly something slammed into me. i stumbled back and droped the lightbulb, which shattered.
"whos there!?" a panic stricken voice asked from the darkness.
"selena!" i said, "its izumi. and caleb. we heard you scream....what happened?"
the other strange sound got louder, it was an odd chirping...or squeaking.
"oh no!" i heard selenas footsteps retreating down the hall.
"what is that?" caleb asked.
a swarm of red glowing eyes appeard above us, wing tips brushing my hair and caleb cursed about nearly losing his hat.
"run!" i squeaked and we set off, following selena. i think i got alittle turned arround because soon i was in a large empty room i didnt recogize and could barely see. and felt the walls and walkd around untill i found another hallway. i heard footsteps and fliped, images of the movie's murderer dancing in my head. i ran and soon collided with someone.
"ow, shit!" i fell to the floor and sundenly some1 turnd on a flashlite "Watch your step, young element." Fudo. Looming over me. With a flashlight held right under his chin, like a child will do when telling scarry stories, casting crazy scarry shadows over his face.
i did the only thing i could think of. screamed and ran like hell. fudo followed me, saying some shit like "see BEYOND the darkness" and suddenly i heard caleb's voice. "izumi over here!"
he grabed my hand and pulled me down a side hallway. he stoped sundenly and turned around and i heard him mutter "telekenisis!" i heard a pair of doors slam, then the sound of someone hiting them at full sprint.
"i dont trust that sound, the bastards crafty..." i said and we backed away from where the door were in the dark hall....untill suddenly the floor disapeared.
i screamed and caleb tried to catch me but he was falling to...
next thing i knew, we were on the ground, i was on top of him and...
the lights turned on.
alek's voice called from the circut box in the rec room. "hey i got it, liral go get everyone from the cafe! we can..." his voice trailed off.
caleb &I jumped up and apart.
liral: "did they just...kiss?"
"NO!!!" caleb and i both screamed.
"it was an accident!" i stuttered.
"you kidding me? no way! never!" caleb yelled.
" it was an accident!" i felt myself go bright red.
alek and liral just stared. then smiled.
"riiiight..." serena said from across the room, having found her way here already.
"what ever you say" alek said
"SHUT IT YOU!" caleb yelled.
i glanced at him. he was looking away, avoiding eye contact, blushing just as much as me, then he looked over too....
and sort of smiled.
"GOOD NIGHT" I squeaked and moved quickly towards the girl dorms.
suddenly i heard a groan behind me. aizis sat up and looked around, taking in every's expressions, calebs face, and me retreating into the dorms.
"what'd i miss?"
~ hehe i just liked the idea of them geting into a situation like apollo and sylvia in the vector in that one ep...
these two<3 disfunctional relation!!!(i can imagine aizis after hearing this: "izu and cal-chan sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!")
