Fun with Hot Glue!!! :D

Yes, I said hot glue XD Its not only an awesome glue, but an artist medium! If ya feel like working in 3D, and don't wanna mess with clay, try making a hot glue sculpture :D

(This sculpture does NOT belong to me; it was created by "The Glue Arbiter")

I got the picture from HERE

I've never tried making a sculpture before, but from what I've read on the site, the person who made the dragon, made an armature out of wire and tin foil first, and then drip the glue on XD

There is also a technique of building with dried pieces of hot glue. Allow the glue to dry on a smooth surface, a glass plate, or a mirror piece (it will stick to most plastics); then, use hot glue to glue those pieces together.

In any case, if you decide to try this, be sure not to burn yourself (atleast not too bad) XD Both the tip of the glue gun, and the glue it's self can burn you, so be careful.

I use hot glue in a different way, that I'll share later, once I can get some pictures of it. I'm making a magnet right now XD

Sorry theres not alot of info here (it's really hard to find). Just thought it might inspire you to try something new XD And if you do try sculpting with hot glue, please post your findings! I think it would be really interesting.
