The Begining...

Nayona: The cool night air blew against her black leather tail coat; her long hair that usually hung down to her calf was put up into two pigtails with black satin ribbon. Her long bangs tickled her knees as the wind's breeze made them dance. She hurried into the warm club to escape the cold night air. A young man took her coat as the girl made her way in she nodded to him in thanks. She went passed the bar and dancing men and women, making her way to the stairs that would lead her to her grandfather’s apartment. She needed not knock; her grandfather knew she was coming. She opened the door to the mafia man’s room only to be greeted by a man she had never seen. Biting her lip piercing nervously she opened her mouth to ask who he was. Before she could he grabbed her covering her face with a bag and dragging her out a window and down to a small car that awaited them. The young girl stomped on his foot, running blindly her hands tied behind her back she knew she was in the back ally way so she ran straight and fast her heart pumping wildly.

Jun: I was sitting on the top of a large building that was only used during the day. I flew up here a lot at night and would watch the people coming to and from the dance club next door. I like people watching, they're interesting. They're so different from vampires. They act strange; they have emotions that I long ago forgot how to use. They should just be nourishment to me but...
Jun got distracted by a flash of movement. Looking over, a person was climbing out of a window at ground level dragging a struggling tinier body out with him. The smaller one broke free and ran and Jun wondered what was happening. Fear was in the air, its scent sharp and captivating. Jun was drawn forward hypnotized by the scene below wanting to get closer...
Next thing I knew I had flown down and was standing in front of her. I don't know why I did that, as interested in this odd scene as I was, because now she was going to run right into me.

Nayona: I continued to run as sweat began to bead my forehead I felt weak with fear as I ran for my life. The echoing sound of heavy foot falls slapping against the wet pavement only made my fear grow. Thoughts filled my mind as I tried to understand why the man was after me. But nothing came to mind at all. Sure my grandfather was a mafia man but he had no rivals and nothing of value. But then a thought came into my mind, "Of course the....!" I was cut off mind sentence when I made impact with something my heart picked up its pace in fear. Had I been caught?!

Jun: I watched with a dead expression as the girl ran into me. Fear was seeping off of her peaking my interest, I could hear loud footsteps coming, there must have been more than one person following her. I was up for a game of chase. Sounded fun. I grabbed her and started running away from the footsteps. Not what I would call fast, if I did that I would lose them, but just ahead far enough ahead that they can hear the footsteps which I'm intentionally making loud enough for them to hear without actually seeing me.

Nayona: Fear struck me along with confusion; whoever was carrying me could not be one of the men chasing me, they seemed to be running away from them. But that did not ease the fear inside me, it only increase it as I began to wonder who this person was and why they were running off with me. Were they helping me? Or just kidnapping me as well? Either way it seemed better to give this person a chance. (At least they were running away from the other men.) I thought hopefully to myself as I planed my escape as soon as I had a chance I would hurry to find a man who would be capable of helping me his name was unknown... well his real name anyhow. And if I was being kidnapped for what I thought I was being kidnapped for then he would be able to confirm my suspicions. That is if I could get away from all these untrustworthy people, and if I could get to my detestation safely.

Jun: I was carrying the girl in my arms how most people would carry a sleeping child. Although I did wish she would squirm or kick me or something. It would make it more challenging. I was starting to lose interest as our pursuers seemed to be getting tired. I wonder how they would react to seeing me fly? It sounds more fun than this anyway. I went around the next corner and waited for them to catch up. I could hear them shouting in the distance, they thought she was tired and had stopped and that now was their chance. I can't wait to see the look on their face when they see how wrong they are. Finally they reached us and were just turning the corner. I jumped back (quite a ways) so they wouldn't crash into us. They saw me and the leader of their group started yelling attack orders. I let them get right in front of me, keeping a blank look on my face, pull out tons of weapons and completely encircle me. They looked smug. "Give us the girl and we might let you live." They said. I smiled an unnerving, large, completely mental smile and flew straight up. I paused just out of their reach to get a good look at their faces and laughed as I flew out of their sight.
