Act. 8

L coughed from the humid heavy air that insisted to slowly suffocate him. He moved around slightly, and located Lights form just next to his.

After checking himself, in which he found a large bruise forming around his right temple, he placed his hand on Light’s head. ‘Damn.’ He sighed inwardly as he felt warm liquid come off onto his hand, ‘who? What and more the reason…. When? And why? To the normal person we look like two regular guys.’

He didn’t know how long it was as he sat there and tried to think about what happened. He stopped when Light finally started and groaned. “Light-kun?” he whispered, slowly helping the youth to lie on his side.

“Throbbing.” Light whimpered and attempted to move his position.

“Don’t, Light.” L said firmly holding the boy in place “You’re injured there. Whoever kidnapped us hit on you extra hard.” He could barely see Yagami, yet he could hear the irritated sigh he gave off at being denied some comfort.

“I thought you said no one knew who you were!?” The boy snapped “What happened to ‘it’s just a vacation, Light. We’ll be safe’ Huh!? HUH!?”

L actually winced at the boy’s violent reaction. “Light….” he said trying to stay calm “I’m a detective not a psychic. I can only know and solve things that have already either happened or are in the works. I had no idea that or first time out of the office would come to this, okay?” he gently began to stroke the caramel locks slowly feeling the fuming anger leave the teen. “This is very unfortunate and I apologize for you getting drug into this.” He sighed heavily for the millionth time, waiting to see what Light would say next.

“L, you’re an idiot. I’m not only mad about US, what about the KIDS!?” Light huffed out. “What if this person finds them and causes them harm?” a soft sniff broke the dark, and soon the teen threw himself into an all right sobbing fit.

‘Should I suspect a concussion? Maybe a bit of trauma from his head wound?’ L thought patting Light’s shoulders as the boy sobbed into a slumber again. ‘But, what can I do? My hands are tied.’

The container they were in was no bigger then a 5x5 closet. They had no leg room and were forced to stay huddled or slouched. Not that this would be hard for L, but poor Light with his male beauty problems would have a fit. If he came out of this mentally stable that is. Would they get out? What about the kids? Were they safe? Even alive?

Thoughts were again interrupted only this time by the sharp scratching on one of the walls. L stopped dead for only a moment, until they came again.
“Wha-?” Light whined as he woke and rubbing his swollen eyes turned his attention to the wall. “L?”

Said man gently placed his fingers to the boy’s lips to silence him. Then he moved to press his ear alongside the surprisingly warm wall. Taking his bitten nails he slowly scraped the container.

The opposite scratching stopped for some seconds until it returned with so much force that both men scooted as far away as humanly hopeful from the frantic noise.

“L, it’s got to be another person.” Light stated braking the tense moment. “M-maybe you should try to see what it wants?”

“It’s not being coherent, Light-kun.” L retorted keeping his voice low “What if it’s been driven mad?”

“It’s stopped.” Lights said eyes wide breath coming in small gasps.

Indeed. It had stopped. As though the person on the other side had gotten that they would not respond to it.

“Please, L.” Light begged franticly holding onto L’s long white sleeve.

“What?” He could feel the others nails slightly digging into his skin

Now messy locks swayed as the head at his chest just swung to and fro. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just a little jumpy is all.”

L sighed and slumped on the wall. Light turned away from him and tried to set his mind at ease.

“Just rest for now, Light. You did get injured when we were brought here. In fact let me cover that for now.”

Light turned wondering how L would help him. L ripped part of the bottom of his huge shirt, while Light’s eyes growing the size of plates. L flashed the ‘what’ look wrapping the long strip around the boys head to cover the still damp wound.

“Thank you, L.” came timidly as Light touched the bandage.

“Your welcome.” L replied “I wouldn’t want you to die here of all places. That would be an insult, even if you’re Kira.”
