Hey! Sorry for the delay in posts.
Today I want to thank all the well-wishers for my birthday! I appreciate it a lot! I was dealing with a lot of stuff, but when I read them, it made the world a bit brighter.
I have started experimenting with digital coloring, and I found a way to use Photoshop’s awesomeness (I sound like Prussia!!!) to do it!! Now I have started coloring scenes from the Psyren manga, so the images I will upload are spoilers!

If you can, I would like opinions and/or critiques.
Thank you!! Signing out!!
Yo, people! It's you're favorite poster!
I know I haven't posted in forever, but please, I have a reason.
This year is my senior year and for as such, my life has been consuming me! I am about to go insane from no art!!
And I have missed this site so much!!! I almost forgot what I enjoyed most!!
Any way, Suscribers, you rock! It means so much to me that the Otaku has been here to make me laugh and smile!
So, going onward, I have applied for University of Florida And University of South West Florida, but I am also applying to ....
Drum roll........
Full Sail University!!
This college is my dream! Instead of just waiting on the world to make me get a job, I want to go to design video games and stuff. I am already on track for it, and I will be interviewed by the end of next week!
Go College!!!!
So yeah, today I leave you briefly with a wonderful song, A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars.
Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
Cuz this is just a game
It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me
It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
That this is just a game
Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles, baby
A quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game
So beautiful, beautiful...
Hiya peoples!!! life has been busy so I'll make it short. Here's a song you may like.
The valley green was so serene
In the middle ran a stream so blue...
A maiden fair, in despair, once had met her true love there and she told him...
She would say...
"Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."
Her eyes believed in mysteries
She would lay amongst the leaves of amber
Her spirit wild, heart of a child, yet gentle still and quiet and mild and he loved her...
When she would say...
"Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."
When all was done, she turned to run
Dancing to the setting sun as he watched her
And ever more he thought he saw
A glimpse of her upon the moors forever
He'd hear her say...
Promise me , when you see, a white rose you'll think of me
I love you so,
Never let go,
I will be your ghost of a rose..."
This is for all those within temptation lovers!!!
Signing out!

Hiya, Mina here!!
I'm sorry if I'm repeating what everyone on the internet is saying, but I'll say it again.
Japan needs us!!!
We are the lucky reciepients of their enteertainment, and we must help them!!! I heard about the nuclear issues and since I have an American freind living there, it is scary! I've tried to convince her to get on one of the American envoy planes, but she said she wasn't leaving her Japanese family there to suffer.
If you can, help donate to the cause and donate money to the Otaku fund on site!!! Even if it is 10 bucks, it will help a lot of people!!
I have already donated $100 to the Japanes red cross, and i urge you to donate too!!
Sorry for the short post, but I got to go!!!
Signing out!
Hi, Mina here!!!!~
It's been a crazy month! I have had so much happen! I'm also kinda tired of this "always bored" thing I keep doing if I don't have sports or afterschool activities.
Okay, enough babble! 520 views on this world! Tis is awesome! I hope people are actually reading all these post!!!!
Last night, I had a weird, scary dream.
I was an ivestigative highschool reporter, working my school newspaper and had an internship to a local newspaper.
My parents died when I was young, so I was taken in by an FBI agent who taught me all the tricks of investigating. I lived alone in an apartment.
There were a string of teenager deaths around the country. Some are poisoned, some are stabbed, some are raped and killed. The only thing relating them together was that these bodies were appearing at the doorsteps of churches.
My job was to figure out this mystery. One of my freinds even got involved!
The killings were done by a new cult that appeared and was created by purist christian teenagers. They thought scuicide was the greatest thing to please christ, and that sex was exceptable (reproducing to spread the children of christ). There were rituals of such things.
Yeah, i think my brain is overworking itself again. who knows what it will be next time. Flying pigs?!
Tell me what you think of this!!! It will be greatly appreciated!!!
Signing out!!