Crazy & More Crazy

You know. I'm really shocked to see that a good number of people seemed to take my fic guide seriously this time around. I guess I'm willing to chalk that up to public schools failing to properly teach students reading comprehension or something, but what really disturbs me is how, of the people who commented seriously, none of them objected to the part about using rape as a plot device. I mean, Jesus. What are these people thinking? "I think grammar is important, but I agree with everything else"? WTF.




Anyway. For the good kind of disturbing: thanks to my lappy, look what I got to finally work! :DDD

I'm not yet at the really crazy parts, but from what I've seen so far, I like the build up of suspense in the game a lot more than in the anime. In the latter, the shift in mood tended to be abrupt, whereas in the game, it's a lot more gradual and better executed. But honestly, I'm playing this only because of the crazy, and it kind of annoys me that I have to go through so much club activity crap before I can get to it. >_>;;

And while we're on the topic of CRAZY, I'm watching Perfect Blue for the first time right now, and I just saw the scene where the girl's manager opens the bomb fan letter. And then afterwards, her coworker or whatever says to shrug it off since it was "just a prank."

WTF JUST A PRANK. You know, I bet that's exactly how it is Korea too, which is why girls over there can get away with poisoning people without being prosecuted!! PLZ TO GET A REALITY CHECK, ASIA.
