misogyny in "the west" vs "the east"

Just gonna copypasta an email I sent to a friend. (It would be too tedious to fix the capitalization, sorry.) And this one actually relates to anime!

(EDIT: the study referenced in the text can be found here)

this is dumb. if i turned into a boy, the only thing that would change is that i would have a dick and no more boobs the end.

and this reminds me of how the entire last season of sailor moon was never aired on tv in the US because it had guys who transformed into girls. I guess that was too confusing and weird for all the little hyper masculine american boys who would rather kill themselves than be a girl.

oh and I also find it funny because americans are always so quick to judge asian societies as being sexist and backwards in comparison to the west, which really shows that westerners completely lack self-awareness. anime has crossdressing characters and effeminate guys all the time and it's totally acceptable for straight male celebrities to flaunt themselves at the camera and wear guyliner and shit, which is stuff that freaks americans out! and in the us, stuff like that is automatically associated with homosexuality because of course straight guys can't be even a little effeminate!

and westerners are the ones who have a history of exoticizing asian women and emasculating asian men because of course asian countries are "weaker" and thus more feminine than the strong, masculine western countries. and yet americans still honestly think that they respect women so much more than asians do. it's such bs.

i swear, one day i'm going to get so angry over this shit that i'll grow 100x my normal size and destroy new york!!
