frustrated emails about frustrating people

Uh yeah, apologies for the blunt word choice and lack of proper grammar.

Me: I dropped by the library today and there was a little girl who was putting makeup on a little boy. and then a 50-ish year old man who works for the library came up to them and said, "you shouldn't do that, god made you a boy." and then he saw a picture of ke$ha on some kid's computer screen and said "awwww yeaa she's hottt" to a bunch of elementary school kids. i'm so grossed out by humanity now. that man RUINED MY WHOLE DAY!!!!

Friend: That is so fucked up. Wth? What did the kids say? What a nasty old perv.

Me: I didn't really catch what the kids said, but they seemed pretty unaffected. actually, it was kinda weird since it seemed like the girl was forcing the boy to let her put makeup on him and the boy was only somewhat willing. but then the girl once said "he wants to be a girl!" and I don't think the boy denied it, so who knows.

meanwhile next to me, there was a group of 2nd grade looking boys who were saying things like "yeah that girl's alright BUT I'M ALL ABOUT THAT BRITNEY SPEARS" and randomly calling each other gay. it was a shameful display. and one of my little cousins, who is only about six, is already saying weird shit like "BUT I THOUGHT GIRLS CAN'T SWEAT" and commenting on how big my boobs are. it's like we raise little boys to be savages instead of real human beings. and then they turn into nasty old men who harass kids in libraries and salivate over girls half their age.


Mind you, I actually like kids. But over the years, I've noticed strange things about how the boys are raised versus the girls. Little things like telling the boys "don't cry; be a man" and in the next breath, telling the girls "you need to comb your hair more often; you're not a boy." One of my little girl cousins was an absolute monster when she was a toddler; she would kick and scream at the top of her lungs at every little thing she took offense with. But after a couple years, she grew out of it. Her little brother (the one mentioned above) is now six and he still hasn't grown out of it. I don't see him reigning in his behavior for a long time. Some guys are quick to attribute these differences to "natural male aggression," but how much of it is really natural?

Honestly, I don't even know what I'm complaining about anymore. Maybe ten different things all at once?? All I know is that it has something to do with little boys and how some adults are really just little boys in disguise.

In conclusion, why can't all children just be like Natsume?

Putting real children to shame since 2003.
