What is This World?

What is this world? It is a world of communication. Something every group needs.

In this room you are allowed to be Out of Character.
Here you can:

  • Post Suggestion
  • Ask Questions
  • Get Answers
  • Get Updates (changes or news in the RP)

This world IS NOT a place to Complain, Rant or Vent < Yes all three mean different things. Nor is it a place to Chit-Chat. If you have a complaint it is to be directed to kitabug69. Just drop her a PM. She will get to it ASAP. She can also be contacted on Skype: kitabug_69.

If you break any of the rules in said above sentence you will lose your Guest Posting privileges.

Everyone in the Bleach RP is on the Guest Posting List for this room. If you are not. Please let kitabug69 know so she can get you add right away.

Also, please 'Shorten to New Page' if your post is long.

Thank you,
