Rules and Information


1. No fighting out of character.
2. No advertisement without exclusive right from me.
3. No God-modding. (This basically means try and keep the characters in your post in character. If you have a question as to how someone would react, ask them before posting.)
4. You can have up to five characters if you believe you can handle it. However, when you start, you can only have two. The other three must be earned by participation. Bond-Keepers and their summons are considered one full character, so you could in truth have five Bond-Keepers and not be violating this rule. (However, I don't suggest it)
5. No drama please.
6. Keep the RP fairly clean. I don't mind a few swear words here and there, but don't go into the R or X rated categories. Keep it PG-13.
7. Keep to the TheOtaku Terms of Service, enough said.
8. Keep active. I'm not expecting you to post every single day, but once a week maybe, please.
9. No Mary-Gary Stu-Sues please. Your character must be capable of being hit/harmed/killed even if they are on the Shadow side.
10. Please try not to surround the plot solely around your character. It takes away others chances to post.
11. No chat speak. Period. I will give you some leeway with spelling and a few grammar mistakes here and there, but keep it relatively right please.
12.~Have fun~

Main Plot

Summoning was a way of life in the world of Iora. At the age of five, children summoned their partner whom would stay by their side until the human passed on. These summons could take a number of forms including animal-like creatures or something more. The stronger the summoner, the stronger the summon, and so both partners would grow and become extremely close. With the summon came abilities that the human who summoned them gained as a result. An example would be if one summoned a fire summon, they would have an affiliation towards fire and the ability to make small incriminates of fire.

However, one day a dark figure appeared and summoned a Black Summon with the ability to break the connections that tied a summon to his summoner. Freed by the millions, summons broke lose and began to attack the humans that were once their allies, once their partners, once their friends. Humans retaliated sharply, and not seeking a way to restore these ties but rather fight the summons that were once their allies, humans waged war on the summons. The beginning of the war was five years ago. This war continues today.

Yet now, a small group seeks to fix the bonds that were broken and defeat the darkness that broke them. Those that have yet to have their connections broken work desperately to try and bridge the ravine that now divides the summoners and the summons. Will they succeed? None can be sure.

Character Information

There are four main classes of characters: Humans, Bond-keepers, Summons, Shadows

Humans that have had the bond with their summon broken by the Black Summon and no longer have the connection or have yet to forge a bond with a summon as a result of age (under 5 years of age). With the exception of those that have yet to forge a bond, this class can no longer summon. Despite this, they have retained some of their previous affiliation powers such as in the example of a summoner of fire taking on their summmon's power. However, most of this power is extremely depreciated and extremely taxing on the body and mind.

Humans that have forged a bond with a summon and have managed to keep it so far from the Black Summon. These people have a deep connection with their summon and can exchange thoughts, emotions, and much more across what can only be described as a psychic link. They also gain an affiliation towards a certain element that their summon is and can use this power with minimal thought and little tax on the body. Bond-Keepers tend to conceal their summons in certain small objects to keep them out of sight until needed. Despite this, they can still exchange thoughts and things with the summon.

Probably the most dynamic of the classes, summons are broken down into two groups. Those that continue to share a bond with a Keeper and those that have had their bonds shattered by the Black Summon. Both groups can take a wide variety of forms which range from what would be considered animal-like figures to mythical beasts to even human-like figures. Summons are called from what is known as Ioraio the Summon world that is said to parallel with Iora the human world by a certain calling of emotion that the summoner expresses at the time of the summoning. Each summon is affiliated with a certain element: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air but can be divided into subgroups. One example of this would be that a Water summon can have an affiliation towards Ice as a subgroup of water. A Fire summon can have an affiliation towards Electricity as its subgroup.

For those that still have their bonds, these summons have the ability to speak fluent human language. They generally have a deep wish to protect their summoner at all costs and will not hesitate to fight in order to protect their summoner. (Note this does not always mean that they will not disagree with their summoner and the like.) They can leave their full form and take a spirit like form when resting and can even sleep within objects. They also have the ability to locate their summoner no matter what at any time.

For those who have had their bonds broken, these summons lose the ability to speak the human tongue, lose compassion and emotion towards their summoner, and become ruthless and reckless. Some have been known to shift in coloration to a dark color or express what can be described as black aura. They attack humans and anything in their way. It is also known that they lose the ability to sleep and as a result can go on for months at a time without even taking a half rest. They are known to kill their summoner as soon as the bond is broken.

This group consists of the main villain who started it all with his Black Summon and his 'disciples' as he himself coined the term. The disciples are both human who have taken on smaller Dark Summons such like the greater Black Summon as well as summons that have broken the bonds of their original human. This group seeks an unknown goal, but the main thought is that they seek to control Iora as a whole.

The Area

The entire world has many small towns and very diverse land. There is a mountain range to the north that stretches for what seems like forever. At the base of these mountains are heavily wooded forests. To the far south there is a great expanse of desert that stretches in parallel with the mountains. To the east is the sea and as far west as anyone has ever gone, there appears to be rolling hills and things. In the east, the larger cities take root including Aribus the capital and Sioka the second largest city. Three days in a carriage ride south of Aribus is the Bond-Keeper Headquarters. It is believed that the Dark Summon and the person wielding it came from the unknown of the west.
