Username: YamiHita
Name: Kyo
Job: Bond-Keeper
Age: 19
Gender: male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200pounds
Hair color/style: pure white hair, long and pulled in a pony tail, he just polls back what he grabs.
Eye color: deep ocean blue
Clothing/Appearance: navy blue tee-shirt, black jeans and fingerless gloves, he has the kanji for snow tattooed on his arm and two cartilage piercings on both ears
Weapon(s): small dagger-like weapons he forms out of ice
Personality: he's known to be aggressive, but he also has a soft side
Likes: cold, peace, water
Dislikes: shadows, war, losing those he cares about
Habits/Hobbies: training contently
Goal: to finish what his father started
Family: his sister is the only one still alive
Background: he was born in a small village and grow up like almost any other kid, except, when he was five and gained his summon his dark hair was mysteriously bleached. Since he was the son of the villages gard(and the next in line to be gard) this was believed to be a bad omen. On his 17th birthday the shadows attacked his village. His father managed to get most of the people out, and swore he would stop the shadows. Unforgettably his father never achieved that goal.
Summon Name: Kao
Summon Age: 14 years in the human world
Summon Gender: male
Summon Description: a large black and white wolf-like creacher(is not larger than a real wolf) his back, the top of his tail, the top of his head, his ears, and a streak up his mussel to his nose are black while the rest of his body and the tip of his tail are white
Summon Element: Water
Summon Subgroup Element: ice
Summon Personality: Kao is easily angered and only answers to Kyo. If Kyo tells him to he will act like a dog. Kao is always at Kyo's side
YamiHita's OC::: Kyo