Grade is considered your point system/money. You can earn it a multitude of ways and spend it in just as many ways. Here is how you can earn Grade, see how much Grade you have, and see what you can buy with Grade.
Earning Grade:
40G for joining
20G for pictures of OCs
30G for winning contests
20G for entering contests
10-50G for helping out in some fashion or form
5G per each text filled line of your posts.
Grade Reward
10G: Extended money in RP Don't expect Sei/Shadow to fund everything, if you want food/whatever your character better have another job outside of whatever side they are on to get it unless you buy this.
30G: Change of Clothes If you want to change your character's main outfit, you can by buying this.
50G Upgrade Weapon: If you want your weapons more effective in battle, you can upgrade it and make it stronger/more durable.
300G: Buy a Character (Up to five characters total) Note: Your application for another character must be approved by me before you can post it.
500G: Shadow Ringlet An extremely rare item in the RP, this object takes the form of a ring on one's finger and can alert one to the presence of incoming Shadows as well as pinpoint Shadows. They are created by Shadow Walker himself to alert him of what his disciples are doing.
Personal Grade:
Kratos Cruxis::: ><
Artgrrl::: ><
Clueless101::: 380G
YamiHita::: 195G
Inufluffy12::: 175G
If you wish to buy something with Grade, please comment below and I will put whatever you bought next to your name on personal grade when needed.