Username: XxXWinXGirlXxX
Name: Kyoko
Job: Bond Keeper
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 134 lbs.
Hair color/style: long, straight, black hair that she has layered
Eye color: blue
Clothing/Appearance: Wears a black, skintight tank-top with red arm warmers. A Silver miniskirt with black leggings underneath and gladiator sandals. A red belt sits off her hips (just for show and sits diagonally from her left hip). Has many piercings on her right ear and three hooped earrings in her left ear. Her nose and navel are pierced as well. A tattoo of a rose on her left shoulder
Weapon(s): a lethal sword
Personality: hot tempered, easily goaded on, acts before she thinks, can't sit still, has to be moving
Likes: fighting, running (which she does quite often), and fire
Dislikes: sitting still, stupid people, being in enclosed areas
Habits/Hobbies: when she is forced to sit down and sit still, her leg will bounce up and down. When she is nervous, she wraps strands of her hair around her finger
Goal: kill all the shadows
Family: A three year old younger sister, a six year old younger brother, a ten year old younger brother, and a mother
Background: Lived peacefully with her family, though she resented having to stay home with her younger siblings all her life. Her father was killed by the shadows when she was 14 and she vowed revenge.
Summon Name: Yoko
Summon Age: 12
Summon Gender: male
Summon Description: a small dragon, whose skin can turn to fire on command
Summon Element: Fire
Summon Personality: Likes to play and show off, usually can be found teasing Kyoko. Doesn't let people get too close to her. Very protective
XxXWinXGirlXxX's OC :: Kyoko