inufluffy12's OC ::: Noko

Username: inufluffy12
Name: Noko
Job: Bond-Keeper
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair color/style: An orangey-red colour. Short, in two small pigtails tied up by red-ish brown ribbons.
Eye color: Green
Clothing/Appearance: A plain white shirt and a checkered red-ish brown skirt. Long white socks that go above her knees, and brown shoes.
Weapon: An old knife that she was given by her parents
Personality: Quick to anger, at first glance she seems kind, but she's actually pretty harsh if she doesn't know you well
Likes: Her older sister, moving around, music
Dislikes: Being still, annoying people, pink
Habits/Hobbies: when she's bored she'll tap her fingers or stare off into space
Goal: Destroy the shadows
Family: Mother, father and an 19 year old sister she adores
Background: She'd lived pretty normally most of her life, but when she turned 12 it all changed. Her parents would argue over the slightest things and she started to get bullied. The only one who seemed to care about her was her older sister. She inherited her shadow off of her older sister somehow after their bond was broken
Summon Name: Toron
Summon Age: 14
Summon Gender: Male
Summon Description: A golden brown coloured fox with blue eyes. His bite is definitely worse than his bark.
Summon Element: Air
Summon Personality: Doesn't really like Noko. He had adored her older sister, but after he had become separated from her, he did horrible things he was ashamed of. Somehow, he ended up bonded to her younger sister, who he resents. But at the same time he's grateful to her, and will protect her if he needs to.
