YamiHita's Second OC::: Kumori

Username: YamiHita
Name: Kumori
Job: Shadow
Age: 16
Gender: female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair color/style: raven-black, pulled back in a ponytail
Eye color: cold icy blue
Clothing/Appearance: she wears a white tee-shirt with a worm but not heavy vest, and blue jean slacks, she wears white tennis shoes that have red stains on them. She has the kanji for shadow tattooed on her neck. both her ears are pierced many times as well as her lip.
Weapon(s): bow and arrows
Personality: she is cold and calculating. She has no feelings for her dead family or her brother who managed to survive.
Likes: killing, destruction, fighting
Dislikes: her brother, the village she grew up in, being looked at as weaker than her brother
Habits/Hobbies: casing trouble
Goal: to kill her brother
Family: She's Kyo's younger sister
Background: The night her village was attacked she joined the shadows. She was always jellos that Kyo would be the next village guard. Because she willingly joined the shadows she still has her own summon.
Summon Name: Raiden
Summon Age: 11
Summon Gender: male
Summon Description: he takes the form of a yellow fox. If he must he hides in a bracelet on her right arm.
Summon Element: Fire
Summon Subgroup Element: electricity
Summon Personality: Raiden is just as cruel, if not more so than Kumori. He loves to hurt people and doesn't care much for Kumori, he only protects her because without her he can't talk to humans.
