Wolfdemonchild's OC::: Jose

Username: Wolfdemonchild9

Name: Josephine "Jose"

Job: Bond-Keeper

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120lbs

Hair color/style: blond, short in the back, long in the front

Eye color: left-red, right-yellow

Clothing/Appearance: white T-shirt under a black high collared vest, faded; ripped up blue pants, blue sneakers, a necklace with a snowflake shaped charm. She looks ten years old, and has three straight scars on her back

Weapon(s): switch blade

Personality: curious and slightly childish, Jose knows when to be serious and when to be childish. She gets confused when people ask who her parents are very easily. She's very forgetful

Likes: star gazing, hanging upside down, sweets

Dislikes: shadows, people dying, being the cause of someone's death

Habits/Hobbies: has a habit of chewing on her nails

Goal: to find her family

Family: unknown

Background: Jose grew up on her own, not knowing who her family was or even her name. The only thing she really knew was that she had a summon. When the shadows started breaking people's bonds, Jose and Demiah, her summon, went into hiding.

Summon Name: Demiah (De-mi-uh)
Summon Age: 9 years
Summon Gender: Male
Summon Description: Demiah looks like a white Siberian tiger, but instead of black strips they're dark blue nearly black
Summon Element: Water
Summon Subgroup Element: Ice
Summon Personality: Demiah's very protective of Jose and hardly leaves her side. He can be nice one second and harsh the next depending on what the person he is talking to said.
