May Concerts in California

Exciting News!!:
AnCafe is coming to the Fanime Con in San Jose, MAY 25**!!!!!!!!! *faints for a minute*
OMG, I wish I could go!!! Imagine, seeing them LIVE!!!! Makes my heart flutter xD
Also: Miayvi is coming to Los Angeles May 16 AND San Fransisco May 18!! *faints again*
~These are like, once in a lifetime chances! AnCafe has(I think)NEVER been to America!! Miyavi has, but not them. So, if you love them, plan your next vacation to California! xD

**[For the AnCafe concert at Fanime Con, you need to register for the Con and such. For registration and about the con go to ]

-This is the Fanime Con comment video from the Fanime Con Youtube channel. Enjoy Miku's voice xD-
