Chapter Six: Promise


“D-Do I know you?” I stuttered. I heard him say something about Kuori, and for the first time while I was with Zero, I didn’t feel panicked or angry or confused. I felt scared.

“Well I should get going, see ya.” He winked and took off. I stood there and looked at the ground. What if, something happened, and Kuori got mixed up in this? I wouldn’t let that happen, the fact that he knew that Kuori and I were friends only fueled my determination to seriously make him stop breaking the law and make sure no one got hurt in the process. I walked the rest of the way home, occasionally looking over my shoulder. I got to the house and slipped inside quietly. Mom was asleep on the couch and Dad was sitting in the recliner. He smiled at me and I blew him a kiss, then went into my room and got ready for bed. I knew Kuori’s phone was probably off, but I sent him a text anyway for my own sanity.

Good night, I’ll make sure you don’t get into any trouble with Zero, I promise!

I added the exclamation point so that he would kinda think I was being silly. But I wasn’t. He was my best friend and if anything happened to him because I screwed up, then I would never be able to forgive myself. I tossed my phone across the room and heard it clank against something. “Oh well, I’ll find it tomorrow.” I curled up under the covers, and flashes of Zero flew through my head. I shivered and tucked my hair behind my ear. Why did he do that, what was his motive? If he’s such an excellent thief, isn’t it the enemies you need to stay away from? I closed my eyes and still I couldn’t erase his face from my thoughts. “Stop it, make it stop…” I muttered and rolled over. I finally fell asleep, even though it seemed like it took forever.
In the morning, I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock, which I reached up and shoved to the floor. It stopped and I groaned. “At least it’s Friday.” I grumbled and sat up slowly, but then I let myself fall backward. I laid there until my mom yelled up at me.

“Are you up yet?”

“Yes.” I called back. I got back up, and got dressed for school. I straightened my hair and threw on makeup half heartedly. I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast and walked out the door after saying good bye to mom and dad. I arrived to school to see a bunch of kids gathered around the main bulletin board. “What’s going on?” I asked

“This year’s play has been chosen. Sign ups.” One kid told me.

“Oh , ok.” I waited for the crowd to disperse, and I looked at what it was.

Romeo and Juliet

I looked at who had signed up, and no one had touched the main characters slots. “Pansies, it would just be a stage smooch.” I wrote my name on the line. “Besides, who cares who Romeo is going to be, this’ll be good for afterschool activities for college and job applications.” I went to my locker, only to see Kuori standing in front of it.

“Where were you?”

“I had a date.” I tried pushing him out of the way.

“With Zero?” He asked.

“Shut it.” I muttered.

“What was that text about last night?”

“Oh that was just to tell you that, I-I am going to find him for sure and make sure he can’t steal again!”

“Oh so I guess he really is a good thief.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked. He put his hands over his heart dramatically.

“Because he has stolen your heart.” I punched him. Actually, my name, for now…I think.

“Stop it, no that’s just wrong, he’s a bad guy.” I was able to open my locker and grab what I needed for first period. He shut my locker for me.

“Every girl likes a guy with a dark side.” He said.

“Not me.” I lied.

“You’re a bad liar Mi.” He stated.

“Get to class.” I said pushing him a bit.

“I don’t have to.” He said.

“Do I have to drag you there?” I questioned.

“You know you like guys with a dark side. You’re just like every other girl.” He said changing the subject.

“Don’t change the subject.”

“Ha, you didn’t deny it that time, I win.” He raised his hands in success.

“Hey.” I blushed.

“Yes?” He asked, sounding like Peggy.

“Do you have a dark side?” I asked. He stood there and thought about it. I blinked after a minute. “Well?” He motioned for me to come towards him, so I did.

“I’m Zero.” He whispered in my ear.

“You’re such a liar.” I retorted backing away.

“You’re right…” He held up a green notebook and I looked down at mine and it was gone. “I actually just wanted this.” He smiled.

“Hey! Give it back!” I ordered and he stuck it up in the air. “That’s cheating!” I jumped and missed.

“Catch me if you can Miyuki!” He laughed and took off. He stopped and waited a few hallways down. “Get to class.” He told me handing me back my notebook and then he walked away. “I’ll see you in lunch.” He waved. I looked up at the sign and I was in front of my first period class.
