Hello I’m Temari. You’re welcome to read what’s posted here.

Man I've been busy

I've been to busy to do this lately. It's been really rushed. Things have finely settled down. I plan on being here more often from now on.


Looking for other sand ninja.

Temari here. Gaara and I are looking for other sand ninja. Baki, Yura, Yashamaru, Sandaime, Yondaime, Lady Chiyo, and Ebizo are still needed. If you can fill any of these roles please PM Garra or myself.


My first post

Hello Temari here. So I’m new here. Well Tenten was around. We have a truce for now. I also was greeted by Kakasi, Naruto, and Choji. My little brother Gaara was here too. I hope that others from my village or Konaha will great me to.

