Sorry I haven't posted

Guess who PMed me?!!!!
Give up?
I'm soooo happy!
Kera-chan is back and trying to figure out how to use VV.

In other news I was going to post more of my fan fic....BUT my sister needs the computer so I only have time to post here.....
*sigh* Oh well.

On the MMPU(Mew Mew Power Uncensored) site I go on my BFF got into a fight with one of the members.
Well the other member did start it and was really mean to my BFF.....
I'm not going to take sides....

In school today we had to get into groups to do this time travel project were you have a company that can go back to any one place in time.
I wanted to go back to talke to Jesus, but no one 'cept my BFF liked that idea.....
Jesus is awesome!!!!
So, instead we're doing either World War II(I want to shave off Hitler's mustache! XD)or the Titanic right before it sinks.

Oh and it was sooooo funny! Cause we have this one REALLY shy kid in our group who almost never talks. Plus, I really don't know him since he's new this year....
Anyways, my BFF was making up stupid ideas. So, I turn to the shy kid and was like, "Is she scaring you?"
He nodded.
I started to laugh and then my BFF moved her chair closer to his.
"Buddy!" She said.
He moved his chair away.
I was laughing soooo hard!!!!
Then I asked him, "Would it make you happy if I knocked her out?"
He nodded!!!! XDD
I was dying of laughter.
My teacher gave me the weirdest look which made me laigh even more!!!

Well that's it for now!
